Witpan-Donations of working equipment to beekeepers and training from the North West Department of
Agriculture (NWDARD), has motivated beekeepers from the Ngaka Modiri Molema region to unite and work
together for a better future.
On Tuesday, 22 February 2022 honey-makers from across the Ngaka Modiri Molema District converged in
Witpan farm outside Sannieshof town to assist one of their own, Mr Sello Nthwesane to harvest. Nthwesane
is a farmer in Tswaing Local Municipality and is one of many beekeepers from the province who were
recently trained on beekeeping management by the department. Other than training, Nthwesane received
100 beehives and other beekeeping equipment including the honey extracting machine.
He said he started beekeeping with only ten (10) beehives in 2018 because of the passion he had and
today is a full-time honey-maker with over hundred and sixty (160) beehives. The honey he makes is sold
to the local market.
One of the beekeepers who came to assist Nthwesane with harvesting is Onkarabile Mooketsi from
Lehurutshe in Ramotshere Moiloa Local Municipality. Mooketsi who was happy to be amongst fellow
beekeepers says unity amongst beekeepers is very important. “It is a tradition for us beekeepers in the
Ngaka Modiri Molema region to work together and we enjoy it that way because in the process we learn
new things from colleagues,” Mooketsi alluded.
She stressed that working with others has helped her to grow in her craft and more than anything it
continues to help promote the spirit of togetherness amongst them as farmers. “We get to talk about the
markets, the challenges we face as beekeepers and we share experiences and exchange ideas that help us

to improve how we run our enterprises. You can never say you know everything,” Mooketsi expressed. She
also encouraged fellow beekeepers in other regions to do the same.
Expressing his appreciation for the help, Nthwesane said he is humbled and grateful for the support shown
by colleagues. “I want to express sincere gratitude to my colleagues who volunteered their time and
resources to come. I can only say I am humbled and grateful,” said Sello Nthwesane.
With proper investment, apiculture (beekeeping) can provide jobs for thousands across the province. To
accomplish this, the department has already started to train those that are already involved and active in
beekeeping. Towards the end of last year, the department bought six extracting machines and were all
delivered to the beneficiaries while others received training on beekeeping management as well as
equipment that they use in their craft.
Since her deployment to the department, MEC Desbo Mohono has been advocating for the development
of apiculture in the province. She strongly believes that development and support for beekeepers in the
province will not only help to boost the economy of the province but will also contribute to the food
security programme.
She commended the beekeepers within the province for working very hard and claiming their rightful
place in the farming industry. “If we continue to work together, we shall achieve more,” Mohono
## ends ##
Issued by the Communication Services Directorate
Enquiries: Ms Emelda Setlhako
Tel: 018 389 5684 / 5719
Cell: 060 745 4020
Email: ESetlhako@nwpg.gov.za
Twitter: @nwpg _dard
Tel: +27 (18) 389 5719/5684
Fax: +27(18) 384 4571
AgriCentre Building
Cnr. Dr. James Moroka and
Stadium Rd
Private Bag X2039, Mmabatho 2735

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