Mahikeng – Constrained and limited access to markets particularly for smallholder farmers is one of the key barriers to the province’s attempts of accelerating agriculture sector growth.

In order to address this, MEC Desbo Mohono on Thursday, 25 May 2023 at the Provincial Legislature, said her Department is working tirelessly to make sure that farmers have access to the markets.

“With the solemn intent of creating a platform to link smallholder farmers to the market and to showcase their produce to open market opportunities, the Department took it upon itself to collaborate with the hospitality industry and mining houses to expose our farmers to the possible market. I am committed to engage both industries in pursuit of market access for the benefit of farmers in the North-West,” said MEC Mohono during her budget vote address.

She also announced that the Mining Development Agency (MDA) is partnering with the Department to develop communities by training farmers in much needed and relevant skills and through this partnership. Sibanye mine funded the construction of an Agri-Hub through the MDA in Marikana near Rustenburg and is also developing and training farmers in the Dr Ruth Segomotsi Mompati District.

During the previous financial year, the Department in collaboration with the Perishable Product Export Control Board (PPECB), implemented the South African Good Agricultural Practice (SAGAP) certification program. This program is intended at assisting smallholder producers to access both local and international markets by producing good quality products that comply with food safety and quality standards as required by the market.

The certification program ensures health and safety to consumers and helps producers to gain gradual recognition and acceptance from mainstream commercial markets. Since the inception of this programme, fifteen (15) vegetable producers have been awarded compliance certificates, seven (7) in 2021/22 and eight (8) during the financial year 2022/23. The Department will this year enroll six more smallholder farmers to the South African Good Agricultural Practice (SA-GAP) Program.

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Issued by the Communication Services Directorate
Enquiries: Ms Emelda Setlhako
Tel: 018 389 5684
Cell: 060 745 4020
Twitter: @nwpg_dard


Rusternburg – In its quest to accelerate the growth and development of beekeepers in the province, the MEC for Agricultire and Rural Development in the North West Desbo Mohono has officially launched the North West Province Beekeepers Association (NWPBA) last Friday, 19 May 2023 during the Provincial World Bee Day celebration event held in Luka Village near Rusternburg.

Themed: “BEE ENGAGED: Celebrating the diversity of bees and beekeeping systems”, this year’s event was aimed at heightening awareness about the influence of the bee economy and to enhance the participation of rural women and young people in the apiculture sector.

The launched association which is represented in the South African Beekeepers Industry Organisation and the Honey Judges and Guild of South Africa as adjudicating team (HJT), is expected to also tackle challenges such as market access that are faced within in the apiculture sector.

The team led by Chairperson Kenalemang Mooketsi and Secretary Nkwe Metswamere have assumed their duties and are dedicated to elevating the provision of resources, training of their members and offer support. “We aim to encourage the improvement and advancement of Apiculture within North West by promoting the exchange of ideas between members, the public and other institutions as well as endorse and safeguard the interests of apiarists in general by ensuring that honey, hives and other derivatives comply with standards established by government” said Kenalemang.

During her address, MEC Desbo Mohono said government is ready to assist aspirant beekeepers’ as there is an abundance of opportunities within the sector. “Training of beekeepers will be prioritised and intensified. We will also continue to robustly market and position beekeeping in the province as a poverty reducing tool. Just as we are committed to improving the fortunes of beekeepers and to advancing shared prosperity for all, so too is our commitment to achieving a large pool of real Beekeeper’s in the entire province,” said MEC Mohono.

Proceedings of the day were also marked by a visit to Thethe Secondary School, where an awareness drive was executed. Learners were educated on the importance of bees, their role in the agricultural ecosystem and monetary value. Grade twelve learner Ditiro Selemela expressed excitement about the information they received. “We appreciate that the department saw it fit to open our imagination to the world of bees and how we can start sustainable businesses from them. As learners, our role is to now share what we were taught today and share it with our communities as well as those close to us. We’ve always known bees to be dangerous but as of now, we will take care of them and continue to research about apiculture. Some of us here today have definitely benefited from this session, and maybe as we start our journeys next year as young adults, we will enter the industry as beekeepers,“ Selemela expressed.

The number of beekeepers in North West continues to rise as more people especially youth, are showing an interest in the sector. The department’s database has grown from five (5) in 2019 to eighty (80) beekeepers and MEC has called on all apiarists across all four districts of the Province to register on its database.

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Issued by the Communication Services Directorate
Enquiries: Ms Emelda Setlhako
Tel: 018 389 5684
Cell: 060 745 4020


Media Houses
Date: Monday, 27 March 2023

The 3rd Africa Regional Apimondia Symposium which took place at the Durban International Convention Centre (ICC) from 21 – 24 March 2023 yielded relationships for the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development (DARD) with other African countries and beekeepers. The four-day conference and networking platform was an information-sharing and policy development session for the apiculture economy that is expected to grow exponentially in Africa and particularly the North West Province of South Africa in the coming years.
MEC Mohono pronounced during her address at the symposium that as part of collaborating with African countries to grow the industry, the department will embark on an excursion to Tanzania during the year to benchmark the successful methods that it has implemented for its farmers including beekeepers. She also emphasized the use of African natural resources especially bees in fighting the cycle of financial dependence by African countries as well as the rising unemployment, poverty, and inequality.
“It’s critical that beekeepers set an example and show people the potential that we have as Africans. This is a very rich continent, so as Africans, we need to protect what is ours. Our bees are one of the best and as African beekeepers, it is important for us to ensure we protect them from extinction. I want to appreciate you all because you have shown the world that you also have potential,” said MEC Mohono at the Apimondia Africa roundtable discussion facilitated by the International Apimondia President, Jeff Pettis.

One of the twenty beekeepers from the North West, Kamohelo Wayne Molelekwa (24) from the Dr. Kenneth Kaunda District said what stood out for him as a young entrepreneur during discussions is the positive impact bees have on the environment. “As a start-up beekeeper, it is important for me to apply the solutions presented at the symposium. There are multiple strategies that we should implement especially in rural South Africa that were shared by world experts. As entrepreneurs in the North West we need to ensure the sustainability of our business. This event has assured the confidence that we have in this sector and in our leadership. We now see the importance of collaboration to grow and develop ourselves as beekeepers”.
North West beekeepers also participated in the Honey, Mead, and Bee Products Competition and were awarded in various categories including a 1st Prize in 3D Art created by Mmatau Mosiane. Other prizes awarded were 2nd and 3rd in Select Honey as well as the Beeswax Wax Block Category.
In closing the Symposium, the African Regional Apimondia Commissioner David Mukomana said the gathering was testimony that working together there is so much business that African countries can generate from apiculture. “The only reason why we have not had a lot of business coming from the sector is that we were fragmented as beekeepers. From now we would like to see people working collaboratively and this is going to propel Africa to another level because this sector can be the economic driver or significant contributor to the domestic product of many nations across the continent. If followed by looking at the discussions and feedback that I have received from the development agencies present here. I am excited that a lot of work is going to happen, a lot of community projects are going to be supported because of the discussions that have happened here and we are going to see livelihoods improved lives improved and we increase the quality of life of our communities it’s from the row communities,” said Mukomana.

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Issued by the Communication Services Directorate


All Journalists
All Media Houses
Thursday , 1 6 February 2023

With South Africa s agriculture being one of the world s most diverse sectors , there is a growing demand toimprove subsistence farming or informal small scale farming. Trade and Marketing information is essential for farmers who wish to become fully market orientated and ensure that their production is in line with market demand. To respond to this demand, t he North West Department of Agriculture and Rural Development rec e ntly hosted a capacity building workshop in Bojanala District to assist farmers from Madibeng Local Municipality plan their
production and marketing activities in accordance with market needs, as well as to participate effectively in the markets.

The workshop emphasized on enhancing the accessibility of the agricultural trade and marketing information to farmers in the horticult ural sector, the information session wa s essential for farmers who wish to become fully market orientated so that their productio n is in line w ith the market demand. The availability of reliable market information help s farmers reduce the risks associated with marketing, decide where to sell their produce, check whether the prices they are offered are in line with market prices, and decide whether or not to store, or grow produce out of season ” or grow different products. Amongst others, the presentations highlighted the u se of chemicals for pest control a ccess to market prices ; br oad strategic guidance on how to correctly price products in o rder to compete in the market ; a c cessing international markets ; h ow to supply othe r countries and the need for products to be of international standards .

as well as b randing a nd development of business plan s Welcoming th e informative session one of the farmers , Ms Thato Dibetso , a sweet potato farmer in the area appreciated the workshop and said it met her expectation s . T he presenters engagements were very informative and helpful. I think extension officers must be provided with the information in order to assist us at the ground  level because not all farmers were part of the workshop and this would allow interactions on a regular basis ,,”
said Dibetso.

Another farmer, Thabo Mogale also vouched for the information sharing session as he emphasized that it was mo re insightful and assisted in broadening his know ledge on accessing marketing information . The Department through the Directorate: Economics is intensifying efforts to assist farmers to get formal markets for their trade. Production of many farmers has been marred by marketing as a challenge and the department will move across the province to have empowerment sessions for farmers to be informed on marketing standards and requirements, and all trade negotiations and agreements including market access and facilitation of trade for products The Department would a lso in the later stage host the provincial Agricultural Market Access Summit for
smallholder farmers. The aim is to facilitate and link smallholder farmers in the province to intended market opportunities

Communication Services Directorate
Enquiries: Ms Emelda Setlhako
018 389 5684 / Cell: 060 745 4020
Twitter: @nwpg _dard


Att:  ALL EDITORS All Journalists
All Media Houses
Date: Tuesday, 07 February 2023


A total of eight small scale farmers in the North West Province have recently received a stamp of approval from the South African Good Agricultural Practice Programme (SA GAP) after completing the twelve (12) months programme. The SA GAP programme’s main objective is to assist smallholder producers to access both local and international markets by producing good quality products that comply with food safety and quality standards as required by the market. During the twelve month training programme, th ese smallholder producers were amongst others empowered with efficient farm management practices, received training to comply with legislation on food safety, environmental protection and animal and workers’ welfare, assisted in mobilising the financial me ans for realising necessary infrastructural and other related investments in the agricultural value chain. The certification programme ensures health and safety to consumers and helps producers to gain gradual recognition and acceptance from mainstrea m commercial markets. One of the beneficiaries of this programme is the thirty year old (30) Kelebohile Matsose from a small farming town of Makwassie near Wolmaransstad which is in the Dr Kenneth Kaunda District Municipality. In their farm, together with her family, they do mixed farming. They keep livestock, plant maize, sunflower and various vegetables. But Kelebogile’s priority is production of chia seeds and tea made from Chia plants. Her passion and dedication to her craft saw her being selected to be part of the South African Good Agricultural
Practice Certification Programme (SA GAP) in the year 2022. As an intervention and through the SA GAP programme, the Department has assisted Kelebohile Matsose with a package of marine container (12m) equi pped with steel sinks, tables and shelves. She has received a mobile cold room from the Department, harvesting crates and packaging/processing equipment. Since then, Kelebohile has never looked back. Currently she has three permanent workers and five (5) seasonal workers. Kelebohile has expressed her appreciation to what the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development has done for her. “I am grateful for what the Department has done for me. Through this SA GAP I have learned a lot about farm mana gement, data recording, traceability of products, financial management, food safety and handling and a whole lot of other stuff in this business,” said Kelebohile.
Her dream is to see herself dominating the sector particularly with her organic tea, having a tea producing plant,
supplying the international market. As the country is experiencing a lot of unemployment, she is working hard to expand her enterprise so she will be able to hire more people in the next five (5) years. For the producer to be considered for participation in the certification programme, the following basic conditions should be met i.e the producer must understand the need, requirements and advantages of being certified; be fully committed to participate in the programme; be willing to implement the recommendations from the auditors; be in production and utilise available production facilities to their utmost best (if the produce produced is out of season.
The producer must be willing to continue with production in the new production season/cycle), have access to irrigation water, land and other basic production infrastructure, have production infrastructure which is in reasonably good condition (i.e. the programme is not designed for dilapidated business entities). For more information on SA GAP Programme, farmers can liaise with Extension Officers or visit the Local Agricultural Offices in their area or District Offices.

Issued by:
Communication Services Directorate
Enquiries: Ms Emelda Setlhako
018 389 5684 / Cell: 060 745 4020
Twitter: @nwpg _dard


Att: All Editors
All Journalists
Date:Fri day, 28 October 2022

DEVONDALE – The MEC for North-West Department Agriculture and Rural Development (NWDARD) has called on all the government role-players to work together to ensure that families do not go to bed hungry and there is food security. Mohono was delivering the keynote address during the commemoration of the Provincial World Food Day (WFD) at Devondale village near Vryburg on 27 October 2022. The Devondale celebration marked the 11th year since the NWDARD heeded the call of the Food and Organisation (FAO)’s 1979 declaration of October 16 as World Food Day. The Department embraces WFD as an initiative to discuss issues pertaining to poverty, hunger and food security and to advance solutions thereof.
As a key deliverable of the Department, Mohono said the fight and a win against hunger needed a coordinated effort. She appreciated that many stakeholders came together for the 2022 commemoration. She felt that efforts towards food security need to be intensified as it is everyone’s business.
Together with the Dr Ruth Segomotsi Mompati, Naledi Local Municipality and the National Department of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development, NWDARD delivered and array of food security projects with an aim of fighting hunger in the 500 households’ poverty-stricken Devondale area. Amongst others, food gardens were planted for schools, community organisations and individual households. The department handed over production inputs including indigenous chickens, seedlings and fertilizers as well as 10 goats for 10 subsistence farmers. In addition, the Department donated 30 farmers across the province with one bull each to improve their livestock.
With a theme: “ Leave No One behind”, MEC Mohono said it was imperative that people get food irrespective of their location. She said the economic environment was getting tougher and agriculture which depend on land must be brought to life in order to benefit locals. She encouraged the community members to use their yards to start gardens and sell their produce. “As I was going through the area and planting, I realised that many of the families have started gardens and it give me much pleasure because agriculture is one of the most resistant sectors and we cannot never go wrong when we do that,” MEC Mohono said. She acknowledged the skills of the residents of Devondale in farming as many of them are either coming from that background and some still there. She urged them to use their skills to their advantage and assist government to fight hunger. MEC Mohono urged the beneficiaries to desists from selling inputs as soon as they receive it but to be patient as they will see their projects growth in a long run. “The Department is giving you a start-up but we would like to see you growing your businesses,” she pleaded.
According to FAO, food security exists when all people at all times have physical, social and economic access to sufficient, safe and nutritious food to meet their needs and food preference for an active health life. The commemoration of World Food Day therefore gives platform for participation of rural communities and to encourage a diversified agricultural production to improve food nutrition and safety nets.
Amongst the recipients, 48-year-old Rebecca Moilakgotla said the government’s donation of 10 goats seems like an endorsement of her farming path. The mother of 2 children said she currently has a herd of about 23 goats. Although it was not easy to feed, she has made sure that she personally shepherd it so that it can grow. “I am glad that the Department sees my good effort and now my herd has been increased. I have always wished that I could see and instant increase and with this donation, this is a dream come true,” said the elated Moilakgotla. As soon as she sees a steady growth, Moilakgotla plans to formally generate and income by selling her produce at auctions.
The 2022 WFD was attended by amongst others the NWDARD Head of Department, Mr Thupi Mokhatla and senior management members, representatives from Dr RSM District and Naledi Local Municipalities, sister departments including the North-West Department of Social Development, North-West Department of Economic Development, Conservation and Tourism and the Office of the Premier.
Photo Captions

Issued by the Communication Services Directorate
Issued by the Communication Services Directorate
Enquiries: Ms Emelda Setlhako
Enquiries: Ms Emelda Setlhako
Tel: 018 389 5684
Tel: 018 389 5684
Cell: 060
Cell: 060 745 4020745 4020


Date: Tuesday , 2 5 October 2022
In an effort to advance the efforts of the District Development Model, the North West Department of Agriculture and Rural Development in conjunction with the Dr Ruth Segomotsi Mompati will commemorate the Provincial World Food Day on Thursday, 27 October 2 022 at Devondale village.
This year’s commemoration is aligned with the United Nations 39 th year celebration. In the main, World Food Day seeks to create awareness of food security, food poverty and hunger with people at the grassroots level using a big ger platform. Under the theme Leave NO ONE behind , Better production, better nutrition. A better environment and a better life for all the 2022 commemoration is meant to en sure that all protocols and standards that measure the acceptability of consumable food items are followed. Food security ensures mitigating the risks of illnesses that are contracted through unsafe foods. The commemoration of World Food Day provides participating countries as well as stakeholders a platform to discuss i ssues pertaining to poverty, hunger and food security.

Amongst an array of activities for the day, the NWDARD as well as Dr RSM municipalitywill hand over food security empowerment packages to community based organizations as well as individual households and those includ e indigenous chickens and seedlings for households gardens. Identified s mallholder farmers will be supported with 10 goats each to support their subsistence farm ing efforts while 30 farm ers are set to receive bulls to improve production and the quality of their livestock. MEC Desbo Mohono is set to address this occasion and to further assert the provincial food security plan and the food and nutrition strategy as a vehicle to ensure impr ovement and dealing with the challenges of hu nger, poverty, and inequality. Members of the media are invite d to the event which will be held as follows:
 Venue: Devondale Village (Stadium)
 Date: Thursday, 27 October 2022
 Time: 09h00
Transport is available for community Media on request. Please RSVP Kgalalelo Mashomo on 389 5613 by 26 October 2022 at 10h00.
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Issued by the Communication Services Directorate
Enquiries: Ms Emelda Setlhako
Tel: 018 389 5684
Cell: 060 745 4020



Media Houses
Date: Friday, 07 October 2022

Mahikeng – Following advertisement of Office Security Services bids recently, it has come to the attention of the North-West Department of Agriculture and Rural Development (NWDARD) that some bidders have been contacted by fraudsters alleging that their submitted quotations are successful. These fraudsters are also using names of officials of the Department, Mr Jacob Kgoele and Mr Mapogo Maboya to solicit monies up to the tune of R100 000.00 from these service providers in exchange of appointment letters.
The scam involves the fraudsters using departmental letterheads, disguised as department’s representative to send out fake appointment letters to unsuspecting suppliers and service providers.
All prospective service providers that have received fraudulent letters or have been approached for monies are urged to report those matters to law enforcement agencies without hesitation and to inform the department of such activities.
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Issued by the Communication Services Directorate
Enquiries: Ms Emelda Setlhako
Tel: 018 389 5684
Cell: 060 745 4020
Twitter: @nwpg_dard


Media Houses
Date: Friday, 09 September 2022

The North West Department of Agriculture and Rural Development in collaboration with the North West University will host the first North West Province Cannabis Lekgotla which will provide engagements on the economic purpose, industrialization and development of cannabis in North West Province.
The theme for the Lekgotla: “Breaking the barriers, towards the Cannabis Agenda in the North West Province” was stirred by cabinet’s decision in July 2019 to commercialize cannabis in order to increase economic growth, create jobs and alleviate poverty. The unveiled master plan is aimed at harnessing a R28 billion cannabis industry that could potentially create 25,000 jobs and help attract foreign investment.
The Lekgotla which will be held through a hybrid model is meant to mobilize and engage relevant stakeholders and custodians in the Cannabis Industry to explore inclusive and representative entrepreneurial opportunities for the North West community with regards to rolling out of the National Cannabis Master Plan for economic development.
Industry experts, Cannabis interest groups, government departments and institutions of higher learning are expected to form part of this game changing conversation in the province.

Details of the event:
Venue: North West University (Mahikeng Campus)
Date: Wednesday, 14 September – Friday, 16 September 2022
Time: 10h00
Please RSVP to Ms Tshegofatso Leepile at: 018 389 5459 on or
before Monday, 12 September 2022 before 13h00.

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Issued by the Communication Services Directorate
Enquiries: Ms Emelda Setlhako
Tel: 018 389 5684
Cell: 060 745 4020