Att : All Media Houses
All Journalists
All Editors

DATE: Thursday, 24 March 2022

Rietspruit- Communal farmers in the Bojanala Platinum District Municipality will not have to travel long distances or rent livestock handling facilities from other farmers for the purpose of livestock handling. This comes after the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development in the North West Province handed over a total of eleven animal handling facilities to farming communities across the District.

These facilities are used during practices such as artificial insemination, castration, inoculation, dehorning, weighing amongst others. They are also necessary resources that assist farmers to circumvent many challenges farmers face and provide ease management of their animals.

There is one standard plan for all eleven (11) livestock handling facilities and they have been designed and constructed to include holding pens and a crush pen that is used for managing large and small stock during animal health demonstrations such as control of internal and external parasites or animal production demonstrations such as selecting breeding stock.

The spray-race facility will be used by farmers in these communities for control of external parasites in large and small stock. External parasites cause tick-borne diseases which result in cow and calf mortality; impact negatively on the growth and reproduction of beef cattle. A borehole will help these farmers to have access to water for the animals brought to the handling facility as well as to livestock in the broader community.

Speaking during the handing over of these facilities, MEC Desbo Mohono warned beneficiaries that the government will keep a close eye on making sure that this infrastructure is safe and not vandalised. “Gone are the times when the government used to give people things and not monitor them. Our people will be on the ground in making sure that the facilities we are handing over are kept in good conditions and most importantly are used correctly.

She emphasized there was still more that needed to be done to help farmers across the province. “There is still much that can be done to help our farmers particularly in the rural areas. Rural animal infrastructure is one of the key value interventions in the National Agriculture and Agro-processing Master Plan. Therefore, creating an enabling environment for farming will not only contribute to improved health of the animals but also to improved food security and creating more jobs. She went on and emphasized that animal healthcare is the backbone of livestock production, because failing to master it will not make anyone sustainable in the field.

“Now I am glad that today we are giving our people a mouthpiece and tool to use in being able to negotiate the prices when going for auctions. This gesture by the Department is to give dignity and return pride by using animals for our farmers to be able to put bread on their table,” MEC Mohono concluded.

One of the beneficiaries George Branden from Rietspruit welcomed the gesture by the department. “We are very happy to be amongst the first farmers to receive this most important infrastructure from the department. We want to thank the department for everything they have done for us today,” said Branden. Elizabeth Modise, a beneficiary from Moretele area also thanked the department. “We want to thank our government, particularly the department of agriculture and Rural Development in the Province for everything they have done for us. We are really grateful for the help,” Modise expressed.

All eleven handling facilities handed over today by MEC Desbo Mohono are equipped with holding pens, crush pens, spray race and boreholes to provide water. She said the initiative is not a once off thing but it will be rolled out to other districts.

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Communication Services Directorate
Enquiries: Ms Emelda Setlhako
Tel: 018 389 5684/ Cell: 060 745 4020
Twitter: @nwpg _dard
Tel: +27 (18) 389 5719/5684
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Communication Services
AgriCentre Building
Cnr. Dr. James Moroka and
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Media Houses

Date: Wednesday, 23 March 2022

Mahikeng- Following a media statement released by Minister Thoko Didiza confirming the outbreak of Foot and Mouth Disease in the province, the North West Department of Agriculture and Rural Development hereby further confirms that this outbreak has affected farms in JB Marks Local Municipality.The affected farms have been placed under quarantine. The conditions of the quarantine are that there will be no movement of animals into, through, and from the affected farms. The objective of the quarantine is to curb and prevent the spread of the disease through the movement of infected animals to areas that are not infected.

Foot and Mouth Disease is a viral disease that causes blisters and sores in the hooves, mouth, and dental pad of cloven-hoofed animals. It is not contagious to humans.

Vaccination for Foot and Mouth Disease in South Africa is strictly regulated by the government. Only with approval from the Director of Animal Health,the use of vaccines without authorization can result in vaccinated animals testing positive and being classified as infected resulting in further measures being imposed on the farm.
All vaccines that are used for this purpose need to be registered and authorized for such purpose and as such, they are only in the hands of government officials. In the North West, vaccination of cattle and pigs against Foot and Mouth Disease is not permitted and is therefore illegal. The sale of such vaccines is also illegal.

The Department is warning farmers againstacceptingthe sale or FMD vaccine of their animals as that would result in their animals being incorrectly diagnosed as positive whilst they are not. Farmers are advised to inform any local State Veterinary office should they be approached with a sale of Foot and Mouth vaccines that are not registered.

All farmers, livestock owners, members of industry and are urged to use caution when sourcing cattle,ensure that you know the health of the animals you are investing in and where possible, seeka health attestation from the seller’s veterinarian confirming the health status of the animals you are buying.
Should any suspicious clinical symptoms (salivation, blisters in the mouth, limping, or hoof lesions) beseen, they should be reported to the local State Veterinarian immediately and such animals must not bemoved under any circumstances.

For more information contact Dr. Langa Madyibi on 018 3989 5102/71 854 2016

## ends ##
Issued by the Communication Services Directorate
Enquiries: MsEmeldaSetlhako
Tel: 018 389 5684
Cell: 060 745 4020
Twitter: @nwpg_dard


Mahikeng-MEC Desbo Mohono of Agriculture and Rural Development in the North West Province will on Wednesday, 23 March 2022 hand over livestock handling facilities to eleven farming communities in the Bojanala Platinum District Municipality. This is another effort by the department to assist livestock farmers in the rural areas with the most necessary resource that would assist them to circumvent many challenges and provide ease management of livestock.Management practices such as artificial insemination, castration, inoculation, dehorning and weighing have increased a need for handling facilities in communities.

Rural Animals infrastructure is highlighted as one of the key value interventions in the National Agriculture and Agro-processing Master Plan. Therefore, creating an enabling environment for farming will not only contribute to improvedhealth of theanimals but also to improved food security and creating more jobs through improved growth of livestock and more animal products becoming available to beneficiaries in terms of meat and milk.

Members of the media are therefore invited to cover this important event which is scheduled to take place as follows:
Date: Wednesday, 23 March 2022 Time: 10h00am
Venue : Reitspruit Farm, Bojanala Platinum District
Tel: +27 (18) 389 5719/5684
Fax: +27(18) 384 4571

AgriCentre Building Cnr. Dr. James Morokaand Stadium Rd Private Bag X2039, Mmabatho 2735
Issued by Communication Services Directorate Enquiries: MsEmeldaSetlhako
Tel: 018 389 5684/ Cell: 060 745 4020
Email: Twitter: @nwpg _dard


MEDIA STATEMENT Thursday, 10 March 2022

Att: Editors All Journalists All media houses

The Agricultural Sector Education Training Authority (AgriSETA) in partnership with the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development held a one-day career exhibition for agricultural secondary schools in North West at the Taung Agricultural College. AgriSETA is an organisation required to develop skills within the agricultural sector so that learners are able to benefit from its activities. The purpose of the event was to encourage young people to consider agriculture as a career, share opportunities in the sector and teach them on ways they can take to make a living within the industry. AgriSETA Head of Marketing Mandy Rutgers said in her address to the estimated 400 learners that, the Skills Development Plan that emanates from the National Development Plan is being prioritised by all SETAs by means of sharing bursaries, skills development and knowledge of careers in agriculture among the youth as they have the potential of taking the sector to new heights. The Noord-Wes Koporasie, MICTSETA, EW SETA, Citrus Academy, National Department of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development were amongst the exhibitors that were displaying and partaking in the information sharing sessions to which Tumiso Sempe (18) from a participant from Marubising Secondary School in Cokonyane acknowledged the importance of.

“The exhibition was an eye-opening experience that afforded me the opportunity of learning about different careers in the agricultural sector. I am interested in pursuing studies in Animal Production or Land Surveying at the University of Cape Town upon my matric completion. These are careers I did not know about prior to the exhibition and I am now aware of the immense contribution each of them have in the industry. My studies will also enable me to impart knowledge on our communities about a lot of things in regards to agriculture,” said Tumiso. Tselaathuto Secondary School from Lower Majakgoro in Itireleng was one of the several well represented schools at the Taung Agricultural College. The learner from this school energised Itumeleng Seeqela (19) expressed gratitude at the efforts made by the exhibitors to answer in detail questions learners had about various careers. He stated that he learned so much from the event. “My interest in being a Veterinarian has been evoked as I have a great love for animals; especially Rhinos which we know are an endangered species due to poaching. I’ve also become conscious of the fact that there aren’t as many black Vets in the country thus I’d like to follow this career path to show young people from my village that it is possible to achieve anything we dream of as black people in South Africa” said the grade twelve (12) learner.

Northern Cape schools also saw prospect in having their learners present. Mr Samuel Ndluzela, a grade eleven (11) teacher from the Northern Cape Agricultural High School in Jan Kemp had his Agricultural Practices and Technology pupils at the event. “Learners received valuable information that we as teachers are not able to share as we may have limited information about some of these careers in agriculture and related industries. I am happy to see so any learners being inquisitive and visiting all the stalls even though the suggestion was to target what they are interested in. This is a beneficial experience for all and I hope that they will share with their peers about the different job opportunities they learned about today” said Mr Ndluzela.

Issued by the Communication Services Directorate

Enquiries: Ms Emelda Setlhako

Tel: 018 389 5684 / 5719

Cell: 060 745 4020


Twitter: @nwpg _dard


The North West Province Department of Agriculture, in partnership with the United States of America’s University of Michigan (UM), are working on a project to integrate renewable energy practices into the operations of Kgora Farmer Training Centre. Kgora is a state-owned training centre based in Mahikeng where farmers from across the country are trained on agricultural theory and provided with hands-on experiences. This partnership will see the University of Michigan through its Sustainability Without Borders (SWB) program, which is housed within the School of Environment and Sustainability (SEAS) and the College of Engineering, establishing a demonstration and research centre for renewable energy at Kgora to empower emerging farmers (particularly black female farmers) in the province, and potentially across the country, in the use of renewable energy for productive uses related to agriculture and agribusiness. A hybrid gasification-solar PV powered micro grid will be established at Kgora Farmer Training Centre for mutual research on the varied uses of renewable energy on farms and it will also be used for demonstration and vocational training. Amongst other things, the University of Michigan will also develop training curricula, support the building and installation of renewable energy prototypes and, ideally, working with students and faculty from the North West University and other agricultural colleges in the province, deliver the curriculum to our local farmers.

Farmers who will mostly benefit are those in horticulture, dairy, poultry and livestock, grains, and agro-processing where power is such an important and expensive input cost. Once the demonstration and research centre for renewable energy is launched, the Kgora Farmer Training Centre will identify not less than forty (40) trainee farmers as a start to benefit from the project. Unemployed agricultural college graduates will also be trained on the technologies to provide energy related extension services, and learn how to install, maintain and repair the various technologies that will be deployed on the farm. The identified farmers will learn skills to generate enough green electricity to cover their own use and perhaps sell surplus. They will also be encouraged to develop energy cooperatives where they can cluster technologies and share the expenses of establishing the renewable energy systems. The University of Michigan, through a collaborative effort with Kgora’s management will source funding for this project. University of Michigan alumnus, Michael Sudarkasa, a long-time resident of South Africa and former project director of the South Africa Solar Energy Technology Road mapping exercise conducted by the Department of Mining and Energy and the Department of Science and Innovation in 2014-2015, will also assist in the local coordination and resource mobilization effort.

Through, his firm, Africa Business Group, a Johannesburg based, continentally active economic development firm, he will work closely with the University of Michigan and Kgora to identify funding to support the initiatives to be implemented under the program. Currently, two masters students Jack Teener and Rachel Kaup from the University of Michigan and their Prof. Jose Alfaro, who established the Sustainability without Borders program at SEAS and who visited SA in 2019 to help kick off the research supporting the project, are in the province to gather information on farmer energy demand needs, available organic waste volumes, and to interact with local farmers to learn more about their familiarity with renewable energy products and technologies to ensure that this massive project becomes a success. They all are excited to be part of this project. “This is very exciting for us because once the project is completed and farmers have been trained, it will allow them to have a consistent source of electricity and allow them to carry on with their day-to-day farming activities with fewer interruptions and at lower expenses than they currently have with load-shedding and rising electricity prices in the country,” Jack expressed. Explaining the advantages of biomass gasification, Rachel said the biomass gasification process reduces the environmental impact of waste disposal because it allows for the use of organic waste products as a feedstock.

MEC Desbo Mohono is optimistic that the project will help solve the current electricity challenges faced by local farming communities. She has committed to allocate the needed resources and to provide support to ensure that the project will be successful and that farmers benefit. “It is a fact that like seeds and fertilizers, electricity is a critically important input to successful farming. So, I am glad that we have started the work already with our partners from the University of Michigan. Beside the fact that we will not be polluting the environment with this technology, I am glad that the people whom I serve, are the farmers, will benefit the most once this project is up and running. “It will not only save them money, but it will help them to become more competitive in South Africa’s very competitive food market,” MEC Mohono said. This partnership is in line with the mandate and purpose of Kgora Farmer Training Centre, which is derived from the skills development Act 1998 (Act No. 97 of 1998).
CAPTIONS: Pic 5H3A2582: Kgora Farmer Training Centre Manaer, Mr ThuthukaniHlanguar Ramatlabama village near Mahikeng, explaining the concept of renewal energy to farmers
Pic 5H3A2585: Mt Jack Teneer and Ms Rachel Kaup, the two Masters students from the University of Michigan engaging farmers on their energy demand, available organic waste volumes
Issued by:

Communication Services Directorate
Enquiries: MsEmeldaSetlhako
Tel: 018 389 5684/ Cell: 060 745 4020

Tel: +27 (18) 389 5719/5684
Fax: +27(18) 384 4571
AgriCentre Building
Cnr. Dr. James Morokaand
Stadium Rd
Private Bag X2039, Mmabatho 2735


Mahikeng-The North West Department of Agriculture and Rural Development (DARD) MEC Desbo Mohono will today, 07 March 2022 meet and engage the community of Skoongesig, a village on the South West of Mahikeng (Ngaka Modiri Molema District). The meeting is set to take place near Bontle Primary School at 14h00. This engagement happens prior to the Presidential Post State of the Nation Address Imbizo taking place on Saturday 12 March, also in Mahikeng. MEC’s Skoongesig meeting forms part of a series of stakeholder engagements wherein communities will be given an opportunity to ask service delivery-relatedquestions and to receive responses. It is also meant to contribute to the government’s continuing efforts to build an ethical, capable and developmental state that delivers on its mandate. The other issues raised in MEC community engagement will be responded to during the Presidential Imbizo.


Issued by Communication Services Directorate

Enquiries: MsEmeldaSetlhako

Tel: 018 389 5719/5684 Cell: 060 745 4020


Derby-The North West Department of Agriculture and Rural Development (NWDARD) persists with efforts to support producers in a bid to fight poverty and under-development as well as to provoke rural economic development. Baramakama Poultry, a five member project has been in business since 2016 producing eggs, processing, marketing of eggs and culling of the end point of lay chickens. NW DARD identified the potential in the project and brought in a grant injection of fourteen thousand (14 000) Lohman layer chickens to assist the farm with increasing production. The Managing Director and CEO of Baramakama Poultry, Ofentse Moloko (36) expressed his gratitude towards the government’s commitment in empowering young black farmers. “Thank you to the department of Agriculture and government of South Africa for once again continuing to strive in supporting us a black farmers in terms of commercialising and becoming quite competitive within the industry. We look forward to further support and we know that together we can definitely make a success of this journey that we are all trying to achieve in building black commercial farmers in this poultry industry” he said.

The project situated in Molote City near Rustenburg, has six layer houses that comprise of five houses with a capacity of 10 200 layers each and one house with a capacity of 16 300 layers that are on a 7.5ha land as well as an additional six layer houses with a capacity of 34 500 each. The layer houses have a capacity of 274 300 layer chickens of which six houses are automated, borehole that is equipped, store-room, office block, and security fence, a tractor with a trailer, forklift, ablution facilities and 3-phase electricity. Baramakama is envisaged to invest further in an agro-processing plant with collection, washing and grading, sorting and automated egg packing system. It currently employs youth and isdevoted to the skills and capacity building of its employees who mostly come from surrounding villages and about forty two (42) permanent jobs are expected to be created with an additional of twenty one (21) seasonal labourers.

The project beneficiaries are steadfast in empowering their employees whom some have no formal education by ensuring that they capacitate them with skills that will benefit the project and improve their livelihoods. Naomi Phiri (31) started as a general worker when the project started operations in 2017 and is currently the farm manager. She has, through the assistance of Mr Moloko, received extensive training on poultry production and management and intends to study further. “I will be enrolling to study veterinary through the financial assistance of Baramakama. This will empower me to be able to further contribute towards the growth of the project and plough back my knowledge to the community of Molote City,” said Naomi.

The project will continue to receive technical support through the department’s extension and advisory services. PICTURE CAPTION: IMG – 5211: Baramakama employees off-loading the first batch of the 14 000 Lohman chickens funded by the department IMG – 5236: Baramakama Farm Manager, Naomi Phiri and Managing Director, Ofentse Moloko receiving the Lohman Chickens funded through the Livestock Development Programme.

Issued by the Communication Services Directorate Enquiries: Ms Emelda Setlhako
Tel: 018 389 5684 / 5719 Cell: 060 745 4020
Email: Twitter: @nwpg _dard
Tel: +27 (18) 389 5719/5684 Fax: +27(18) 384 4571
AgriCentre Building Cnr. Dr. James Morokaand Stadium Rd Private Bag X2039, Mmabatho 2735

Another milestone for Potch Agricultural College as 66 receive their diploma in mixed farming

Saturday, 26 February 2022

A total of sixty six (66) students from Potchefstroom College of Agriculture have
graduated with the diploma in mixed farming. The graduation ceremony took place yesterday, Friday
26 February 2022.
The college is one of the two state ow
ned in the province tasked with training students in different
fields of agriculture.
Speaking during the ceremony, MEC Desbo Mohono congratulated the graduands for their hard work
and determination. “The commencement of the ceremony was a testament to the fact that despite
any adversity, students have risen to the occasion with purpose and intention,” MEC Mohono
Mohono also acknowledged parents and sponsors for their continued support. This year alone,
Potchefstroom College of Agriculture had 274 students registered, including 98 final year students and
29 of the 66 alumnae are young women entering this male doma in. “To the Class of 2021,
congratulations are in order! I leave the fate of the world in your hands and I am confident that it will
be better because of you. Go forth and do great things,” MEC Mohono said.
Speaking to the 23
year old Mr Lebogang Godfre y Xhego from Potchefstroom who is one of the
beneficiaries of MEC’s bursary fund, he said he is happy that he has completed his studies with the
college but he still wants to further his studies with one of the universities in South Africa. “The
journey ha s been a great experience through the assistance of MEC and I am pleased to have made
her proud with my achievement,” said Xhego.
The Department, through the Comprehensive Agricultural Support Programme (CASP) has also
ensured infrastructure developmen t at the college to guarantee a safe and a conducive environment
for students. The College has furthermore contributed to the food security initiatives and imperatives

by producing seedlings which assists in the nearby communities, which augurs well and pe
by producing seedlings which assists in the nearby communities, which augurs well and permeates rmeates with the Departmental call to answer our people’s plea of fighting high levels of poverty in our with the Departmental call to answer our people’s plea of fighting high levels of poverty in our communities.communities.

Issued by the
Issued by the Communication Services Directorate Communication Services Directorate
AgriCentre Building
Cnr. Dr. James Moroka and
Stadium Rd
Private Bag X2039, Mmabatho 2735
Enquiries: Ms Emelda Setlhako
Enquiries: Ms Emelda Setlhako
Tel: 018 389 5684 / 5719
Tel: 018 389 5684 / 5719
Cell: 060 745 4020


Witpan-Donations of working equipment to beekeepers and training from the North West Department of
Agriculture (NWDARD), has motivated beekeepers from the Ngaka Modiri Molema region to unite and work
together for a better future.
On Tuesday, 22 February 2022 honey-makers from across the Ngaka Modiri Molema District converged in
Witpan farm outside Sannieshof town to assist one of their own, Mr Sello Nthwesane to harvest. Nthwesane
is a farmer in Tswaing Local Municipality and is one of many beekeepers from the province who were
recently trained on beekeeping management by the department. Other than training, Nthwesane received
100 beehives and other beekeeping equipment including the honey extracting machine.
He said he started beekeeping with only ten (10) beehives in 2018 because of the passion he had and
today is a full-time honey-maker with over hundred and sixty (160) beehives. The honey he makes is sold
to the local market.
One of the beekeepers who came to assist Nthwesane with harvesting is Onkarabile Mooketsi from
Lehurutshe in Ramotshere Moiloa Local Municipality. Mooketsi who was happy to be amongst fellow
beekeepers says unity amongst beekeepers is very important. “It is a tradition for us beekeepers in the
Ngaka Modiri Molema region to work together and we enjoy it that way because in the process we learn
new things from colleagues,” Mooketsi alluded.
She stressed that working with others has helped her to grow in her craft and more than anything it
continues to help promote the spirit of togetherness amongst them as farmers. “We get to talk about the
markets, the challenges we face as beekeepers and we share experiences and exchange ideas that help us

to improve how we run our enterprises. You can never say you know everything,” Mooketsi expressed. She
also encouraged fellow beekeepers in other regions to do the same.
Expressing his appreciation for the help, Nthwesane said he is humbled and grateful for the support shown
by colleagues. “I want to express sincere gratitude to my colleagues who volunteered their time and
resources to come. I can only say I am humbled and grateful,” said Sello Nthwesane.
With proper investment, apiculture (beekeeping) can provide jobs for thousands across the province. To
accomplish this, the department has already started to train those that are already involved and active in
beekeeping. Towards the end of last year, the department bought six extracting machines and were all
delivered to the beneficiaries while others received training on beekeeping management as well as
equipment that they use in their craft.
Since her deployment to the department, MEC Desbo Mohono has been advocating for the development
of apiculture in the province. She strongly believes that development and support for beekeepers in the
province will not only help to boost the economy of the province but will also contribute to the food
security programme.
She commended the beekeepers within the province for working very hard and claiming their rightful
place in the farming industry. “If we continue to work together, we shall achieve more,” Mohono
## ends ##
Issued by the Communication Services Directorate
Enquiries: Ms Emelda Setlhako
Tel: 018 389 5684 / 5719
Cell: 060 745 4020
Twitter: @nwpg _dard
Tel: +27 (18) 389 5719/5684
Fax: +27(18) 384 4571
AgriCentre Building
Cnr. Dr. James Moroka and
Stadium Rd
Private Bag X2039, Mmabatho 2735


Mahikeng – The North West Department of Agriculture and Rural Development (NWDARD) MEC Desbo
Mohono is calling for local farmers and manufacturers to apply for permits in order to participate in the
Hemp Industry. The process of applications is opened to all interest groups and individuals. Applications
forms can be accessed through the National Department of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural
Development website:
The Hemp Permit process follows the Cabinet decision taken in 2019 to have a plan for industrialisation
and commercialisation of Cannabis in order to increase economic growth, create jobs and poverty
alleviation. This decision was trailed by an establishment of a committee to guide the development of
Cannabis Masterplan. Although the Masterplan is still in process, the industrialization of Hemp has been
identified as a low hanging fruit in terms of establishment of Cannabis industry in the country.
MEC Mohono is encouraging farmers to seize the opportunity and apply for hemp permits in order to
reap economic opportunities in the industry. “The legalisation and commercialisation of Cannabis Sativa
(Cannabis) has been on the forefront of public debate and on top of the agenda of policymakers globally.
As a role player, the NWDARD did organise a Webinar last year to engage stakeholders in a collaborative
effort to advance the Cannabis Masterplan Implementation process. In that Webinar, we learned that
only few farmers had permits and at the time of our engagement, their permits had expired. I know we
have very passionate farmers in the province and I urge them to follow process and to apply for Hemp
Permits,” she said.
The Plant Improvement Act, 1976 (Act no 53 of 1976) and its regulations provide legal framework for
cultivation, distribution and sale of hemp propagating material in South Africa. Any person who wants to
engage in Hemp in identified activities relating to hemp must be in possession of a Hemp Permit issued
by the Registrar of the Plant Improvement Act.
Although the Hemp application process is hosted by the National Department of Agriculture, Land Reform
and Rural Development, the NWDARD has identified a technical team meant to assist the local farmers
with the application process. The following officials of the Department can be reached for enquiries or
Dr H Muedi 076 793 0706
Mr L Dithate 018 389 5275
Mr RM Moiloa 072 780 2738
MADIBENG Mr OL Oagae 072 770 7163
BRITS OFFICE Ms NI Lende 072 800 0121
VRYBURG OFFICE Mr O Motshabi 072 772 8973
VRYBURG OFFICE Mr Z Mbhamali 076 794 6179
## ends ##
Issued by the Communication Services Directorate
Enquiries: Ms Emelda Setlhako
Tel: 018 389 5684
Cell: 060 745 4020
Twitter: @nwpg_dard