Date: Monday, 11 August 2020
Mahikeng-In a quest to create sustainable job opportunities and increased access to sufficient and nutritious food, particularly among the rural communities, last Friday, 07 August 2020, MEC Desbo Mohono of North West Department of Agriculture and Rural Development handed over to the beneficiaries in the rural district municipality of Dr Ruth Segomotsi Mompati, two agricultural projects.
The two (2) projects were Tshepanang Poultry Trust Project and Thota ya Tau Fish Harvest Primary Co-operative.
Tshepanang Poultry Trust Project is a Vryburg based establishment specialising with chickens for production of meat and eggs for food. The company was established in 2006 and currently has fourteen (14) active members.
It was initiated by members of the community in an effort to enhance and improve productivity of various agricultural commodities. The department in turn through its farmer support programme, provided infrastructure funding and capacity building programmes for the beneficiaries.
The project was funded during the 2019/2020 financial year with an amount of over six hundred thousand (R600, 000.00) to build a fully fleshed 5000 broiler unit and water storage. Through government aid, the project is now producing 3000 -5000 chickens per cycle and selling their produce to the community and local businesses.
The second project handed over on the day was Thota ya Tau Fish Harvest Primary Co-operative. This is a Taung based aquaculture establishment. The project started in 2015 and currently has ten (10) members.
It was funded with over a million rand through Comprehensive Agricultural Support Programme (CASP) during the 2018/19 financial year to continue harvesting fish and selling it to the local markets. Through the funding, the department constructed 2ha security fence for the project, built ablution facilities with septic tank, purchased a vehicle for the project, and constructed an office as well as tanks for water storage.

When handing over these projects, MEC Desbo Mohono said her department has a constitutional responsibility to use public funds to respond to the needs of the people by supporting them, especially rural communities and co-operatives, to produce their own income through agriculture.
“Handing over of these projects will also add to existing opportunities in the sector and will also ensure that the beneficiaries are financially independent and self-sustained. “I have high expectations that the beneficiaries will continue to maintain these projects at high standards and that the yield of quality agricultural products will grow steadily thus improving their livelihood and that of the communities.
“There will be challenges here and there but it is important that people continues to work hard to produce food and to sell to the markets. Those who can’t produce will buy from producers so that our province can grow,” expressed MEC Desbo Mohono
Kelesitse Beauty Baatege of Tshepanang Poultry Trust and Tebogo Matlonoko of Thota ya Tau Fish Harvest Primary Co-operative thanked MEC Mohono and the entire Department of Agriculture and Rural Development’ team for ensuring that the project get completed.
The handing over of these projects is part of the support that the department is giving to farmers to enable them to farm optimally and sustainably which will translate into the improvement of the livelihoods of the farmers and surrounding communities.
The department has been engaged with the rolling-out of infrastructural development, the purchasing of implements and machinery, production inputs, and farmer support for smallholder farmers across the province.

IMG 7706:-Tshepanang Poultry Trust broiler unit that was built through government funding. The project is producing 3000 -5000 chickens per cycle and selling their produce to the community and local businesses.
IMG 7767:- MEC Desbo Mohono with beneficiaries of Thota ya Tau Fish Harvest Primary Cooperative. This aquaculture project was supported through the Comprehensive Agricultural Support Programme (CASP).

Issued by: Communication Services Directorate Enquiries: Ms Emelda Setlhako Tel: 018 389 5684/ Cell: 060 745 4020 Email: Twitter: @nwpg _dard

North West prioritizes Food Security


Date: Sunday, 03 August 2020

North West prioritizes Food Security

The COVID-19 pandemic is a health and human crisis threatening the food security and nutrition of millions of people around the world. Hundreds of millions of people were already suffering from hunger and malnutrition before the virus hit and, unless immediate action is taken, we could see a global food emergency. According to the general household survey of 2017 the North West Province has 1, 7 million people food insecure.


In the longer term, the combined effects of COVID-19 itself, as well as corresponding mitigation measures and the emerging global recession could, without large-scale coordinated action, disrupt the functioning of food systems. Such disruption can result in consequences for health and nutrition of a severity and scale unseen for more than half a century.


The pandemic hits us at a time of immense global challenges. There is a need to tackle all the food security and nutrition dimensions of this crisis. Addressing the COVID crisis requires all of us to work together across sectors and borders both to mitigate the immediate impacts and to reshape food systems so they support healthy diets for all and do more to make food production and consumption aligned to sustainable development.


Over the years Mandela day as an initiative has been used to alleviate food security. There has been more urgent need for solidarity and concerted efforts to take action against poverty while the country and world battles with a range of injustices. It is on this basis that the department intensified its message of fighting the food insecurity during the July month and the stats below highlight the food security intervention of the week ending 31 July 2020.


To deal with the challenges facing the province of food insecure, the North West Department of Agriculture and Rural Development MEC Desbo Mohono put the Food Security programme as the number one priority.


MEC has since launched a massive provincial  drive to create awareness on food security programme to enable the people in the rural areas of the North West whom are affected the most to overcome poverty and hunger also to build partnership . The department has also resolved to channel more resources towards agri-projects geared at eradicating hunger and poverty at households’ level. The aim is


“The seed has been planted,we are now begging to yield the results indeed we cannot force someone to hear a message they are not ready to receive but we must never underestimate the power planting a seed” said MEC Desbo Mohono on addressing the issue of food security.


MEC Mohono emphasis that focus should be placed on capacity building, employment creation and promoting awareness on own food production which is one way to improve food security of poor household.


The department so far reached 1974 households during the following activities:

Matlwang village near Potchefstroom: Food Security outreach programme

Identified households received goats, African chickens, Ponds, tunnel fingerlings, seedlings, solar panel.


During the World Food day celebration Ntswana le Metsing :

The focus was on sustainable projects delivered by the department as well as encouraging residents to start planting on fields that are lying fallow in order to increase food production to fight the scourge of poverty, hunger and malnutrition amongst communities.


World Food Day is an international day celebrated every year around the world on 16 October in honor of the date of the founding of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations in 1945. The day is celebrated widely by many other organizations concerned with food security, including the World Food Programme and the International Fund for Agricultural Development.


Collective action across 150 countries is what makes World Food Day one of the most celebrated days of the UN calendar. Hundreds of events and outreach activities bring together governments, businesses, NGOs, the media, and general public. They promote worldwide awareness and action for those who suffer from hunger and for the need to ensure healthy diets for all.


“It cannot be right that we are very low when we are compared with other provinces in terms of food security. We must change how we do things and have more people with access to nutritious and enough food to keep them satisfied, healthy and active”. said Mohono


“If we work together, we can build a future where we’re able to nourish to flourish as a province. Our plans are clear. We will continue with provincial interventions to assist impoverished and vulnerable people, promote the planting of household, school and community gardens,” MEC Mohono concluded.


Establishment of Backyard Gardens 17 vegetable gardens established
Distribution of Indigenous Chickens and Feed 21 households received 20 chickens and a roaster as well a 7 bags of feed
Distribution of Fruit Trees 115 households received 2 fruit trees each
Food Parcels A total of 50 food parcels were distributed to 50 households



In response to high levels of food insecurities and as part of the drive to fight poverty and hunger amongst local communities, MEC Mohono handed over garden inputs, planted various vegetable gardens and fruit trees in number of households and community centres in villages around Phokeng, Rustenburg. Held under the theme “Addressing Poverty & Malnutrition: the plight of Rural Women in Agriculture”, the aim of the project was to improve food security, up-liftment of community projects and to empower vulnerable groups to start working the land and producing food.


Ganyesa Food Security outreach Programme

100 house hold benefited from this project beneficiaries were supported with tunnels, tools, seed and fertilizer. They produce on the back yards on 10m² to 20m² for consumption and selling.


Marikana Food Security outreach programme benefits :

Establishment of Backyard Gardens Forty one (41) vegetable gardens established for households and  three (3)  community institutions that include a rehabilitation and disability  centers
Distribution of Indigenous Chickens and Feed 5 households belonging to women and older person received 10 indigenous chickens 2 bags of feed
Garden Tools 41 households and the 3 institutions receive basic garden tool package


With food security programme the department want to ensure that everyone has access to food, as it is defined by the United Nations Committee on World Food Security, that Food Security means that all people, at all times, have physical, social, and economic access to sufficient, safe, and nutritious food that meets their food preferences and dietary needs for an active and healthy life.


During the lockdown period total of 273 households were assisted with backyard gardens the number of community institutional gardens were also assisted.



Issued by:

Communication Services Directorate

Enquiries: Ms Emelda Setlhako

Tel: 018 389 5684/ Cell: 060 745 4020


Twitter: @nwpg _dard




Date: Monday, 03 August  2020



The North West Department of Agriculture and Rural Development (DARD), together with National Department of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development  (DALRRD) calls for 2021/2022 financial year funding applications for  CASP and Ilima/Letsema conditional grants. Funding will be based on two departmental prioritized programmes, namely: Animal Husbandry and Arable Farming. Funding consideration will be based on commodity value chain.

Target farmer categories for 2021/2022 funding are subsistence farmers, smallholder farmers as well as commercial farmers.

Applicants will choose to be supported with on and off farm infrastructure, production inputs, enterprise and business development, and farmer training; skills development and capacity building.

For one to apply, one must be having the following:

  • Applicants will have to demonstrate keenness to farm and run a profitable business and must be registered on the Provincial farmer database. Other requirements include:
  • Valid confirmation of access to land (Tittle deed, Tribal Resolution, Permission to Occupy, Minimum  5 years Lease Agreement)
  • Proof of access to water for irrigation projects i.e. fruits, vegetables and other irrigated crops (water license/rights or proof of application)
  • Business Plan
  • Farming operation should be able to create permanent and/ or temporary jobs
  • Where necessary, evidence of relevant commodity authorisations to be provided (Environmental Impact Assessments, Virgin Land Plough Certificates, Aquaculture & Fishing Permits, etc.)
  • Application form completed
  • Certified South African ID copy; not older than 3 months.
  • Non-Government Employees or Political office bearers.


Priority will be given to applicants who are already farming, applicants/farms that have off-take agreements, historically disadvantaged individuals, vulnerable groups (i.e. Youth, Women and People Living with Disabilities), and applicants who have acquired land/farms privately without state assistance, farming and/or agricultural enterprises that are in line with and fit into the Agriculture and Agro-processing Masterplan (AAMP) and to applicants who have never been supported by an organ of state before.

Application forms are obtainable from all Local Agricultural Offices (LAOs) across the province and should be directly submitted back to the Local Agricultural Offices on or before 14 August 2020.

No late, faxed or emailed applications will be accepted. Applicants will be given reference number upon receipt of the application. The department reserves the right to consider any application. Successful applicants will be required to enter into funding agreement with the department. For more information, please visit the nearest Local Area Offices or contact departmental officials on the following numbers:


GREATER TAUNG LAO: Mr Thaelo Letlhogela                053 994 1975 / 072 794 0787

LEKWA TEEMANE LAO: Mr. Ogopoleng Motshabi 053 994 1816 / 072 772 8973

MAMUSA LAO: Ms. Tuelo Sebekedi 053 963 1339 / 072 781 2345

KAGISANO MOLOPO LAO: Mr. Robert Gasealahwe 053 998 3343 / 072 793 8058

NALEDI LAO: Mr. Tshetlho Makhwana  053 927 2274 / 072 795 0434

TAUNG IRRIGATION SCHEME: Mr Laurens Sephakga 053 994 2238 / 072 794 2568



JB MARKS LAO: Mr. Kgwarai Sebokolodi  018 297 5330 / 082 491 0637

MATLOSANA LAO: Ms. Salome Modise   018 462 2023 / 072 811 6971

MAQUASSI HILLS LAO: Mr Kgosithebe Seolwane  018 596 1168 / 072 807 1900



DITSOBOTLA LAO: Ms. Cynthia  Gonyane 018 632 7400 / 082 949 4381

MAHIKENG LAO: Ms. Seipei Maphage  018 381 1392 / 072 784 2436

RAMOTHSERE MOILOA LAO: Mr. Rueben Moiloa 018 363 3811 / 072 780 2738

RATLOU LAO: Mr. Timothy Molema  018 368 0131 / 072 784 3210

TSWAING LAO: Jonathan Segobola              053 948 0061 / 072 786 2980



RUSTENBURG LAO: Ms. Dineo Mokgatlhe 014 592 4954 / 072 804 2146

KGETLENG LAO: Ms. Dineo Mokgatlhe 014 592 4954 / 072 804 2146

MOSES KOTANE LAO: Ms Pulane Molebethe   014 553 2137 / 082 490 8531

MADIBENG LAO: Mr. Solly Molebalwa   012 709 2606 / 072 815 5485

MORETELE LAO: Mr. David Sebidi  012 714 3902 / 072 808 6784


For further information contact Gontse Padi 066 305 9648


Issued by:

Communication Services Directorate

Enquiries: Ms Emelda Setlhako

Tel: 018 389 5684/ Cell: 060 745 4020


Twitter: @nwpg _dard


In an effort to curb the possible spread of the corona virus and to ensure that there is adherence to safety requirements in different farms during the Covid-19 outbreak, MEC Desbo Mohono of North West Department Agriculture and Rural Development is currently visiting a number of agricultural projects across the province.

Mohono kick started her visits few weeks ago by visiting number of farms and agricultural projects in and around the Bojanala Platinum District Municipality, farms and projects in Dr Kenneth Kaunda District Municipality and last week she was in Ngaka Modiri  Molema District visiting some of the farms and handing over PPEs to number of farmers.

During her visits, MEC Mohono and the team takes workers through basic steps to protect themselves against possible spread of the virus and hand to workers personal protective equipment (PPEs) such as masks and sanitizers.

The MEC stressed the importance of remaining cautious at all times during this crisis and ensuring that workers are given the much needed safety gears and sanitizers as they continue doing their work.

“You must wear gloves, cover your mouths with these masks, and sanitize your hands or wash them regularly for at least 20 seconds. Always when you working among yourselves keep at least a meter away from each other.

“Should you as workers get infected it could also affect the very same goods they you are working on. Therefore the safety should be a priority to all of you,” MEC Mohono advised farm workers.

Mohono emphasised that the department was classified as essential service because food production cannot be halted. The agricultural sector has a huge responsibility of producing food for the people of North West and for the nation as a whole. Production in farms cannot stop, but we must be safe as we produce food for communities hence as a department we are handing over safety material to these workers. We need them to be at work because they play a significant role,” she said.

“We acknowledge the considerable strides made in fighting this deadly disease, but now more than ever we need to intensify our efforts. Through unity and solidarity we will definitely beat this pandemic.  I am therefore pleading and urging farm owners that they do not underestimate the dangers posed by this virus and that they make sure that their workers are supplied with safety material,” MEC Mohono pleads.

Farmers and farmer workers in farms she already visited appreciated MEC Mohono’s efforts to come to explain the lockdown regulations to them in depth and what measures they should take, while they continue to do their work.

MEC Mohono will continue with this programme of visiting agricultural projects and farms to hand PPEs in response to government’s call for support in the fight against the scourge of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.

This week the team is in Dr Ruth Segomotsi Mompati District Municipality where farmers will receive their PPEs. In her interactions with these workers, MEC Mohono and the team emphasise the importance of adhering to the lockdown regulations and measures that are implemented in the province to curb the spread of the virus.


MEC Desbo Mohono handing over personal protective equipment (PPEs) such as masks and sanitizers to farmers and farm workers.

In her interactions with these workers, MEC Mohono and the team and emphasised the importance of adhering to the lockdown regulations and measures that are implemented in the province to curb the spread of the virus.


Issued by:

Communication Services Directorate

Enquiries: Ms Emelda Setlhako

Tel: 018 389 5684/ Cell: 060 745 4020


Twitter: @nwpg _dard


The North West Department of Agriculture and Rural Development assures the Public and Farmers that  agriculture and food supply sector is one of the essential  system and will remain functional during the 21- days lockdown as announced by president to deal with the COVID -19  pandemic.


Minister of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development was today briefing the media and announced that Agricultural production in all its forms will remain uncompromised. “This includes all services including provision of Veterinary and advisory services. Live auctions of livestock and sale of other agricultural commodities will continue but under the strict conditions as prescribed by the President” said Minister Didiza.


The departmental officials will continue to work with the industry on sector operational procedures that will ensure adherence to the measures announced by the President that includes provision of sanitation to employees within the sector especially farm workers.  Food value chain role players are advised to strictly comply and adhere to strict health regulations to contain and arrest COVID-19.


MEC Desbo Mohono urge the public not to embark on panic buying as the province has sufficient food supply for all and to be considerate and purchase only what they need.


Issued by:

Communication Services Directorate

Enquiries: Ms Emelda Setlhako

Tel: 018 389 5684/ Cell: 060 745 4020


    Twitter: @nwpg _dard


The North West Department of Agriculture and Rural Development heeds President Cyril Ramaphosa’s declaration of a national state of disaster in terms of the Disaster Management Act by halting all departmental events and closing of the Potchefstroom and Taung Agricultural  colleges until after Easter weekend.


This is in an effort to help prevent the spread of the Corona Virus that has been declared a global pandemic by the World Health Organisation (WHO).


MEC Desbo Mohono has also met with Organized Agricultural Farmers Associations to discuss the pandemic and requested them to exercise caution by putting stringent measures for prevention and control of the virus to protect their employees to reduce the impact of the virus on our society and economy.

The department has also implemented the guidelines from Department of Employment and Labour in the workplace by availing hands sanitizers to all employees and encouraged them to wash their hands requrlary.

Issued by:

Communication Services Directorate

Enquiries: Ms Emelda Setlhako

Tel: 018 389 5684/ Cell: 060 745 4020


    Twitter: @nwpg _dard

Strategy development to curb food insecurity

The food security plenarysession held at the Potchefstroom Agricultural College yielded successful multi-disciplinary discussions with various stakeholders and key role-players in the agri-sector to develop strategies that will address food insecurity. The two day session also served as a platform for sharing research findings and innovative farming techniques with farmers who intend to collaborate with government and the private sector to work towards sustainable supply of nutritious food in the province.

Presentationsfrom the five strategic plans included topics on establishing linkages between provincial departments for food security strategies; strategy for school, community and food gardens; identifying and streamlining support for agricultural enterprises; and enhancing production through alignments with technologiesand enterprise development for smallholder farmers.

In attendance was North West University Professor from the School of Agricultural Sciences,Simon Letsoalo who extensively spoke on “The Importance of Directed Agricultural Extension and Advisory Services Agricultural”. Letsoalo highlighted a challenge faced by extension and advisory services practitioners who are tasked with executing duties outside of their scope. He said that it was imperative that crop or livestock advisorsfocus solely on their specialisation to maximise production for farmers.

In attendance was North West University Professor from the School of Agricultural Sciences,Simon Letsoalo who extensively spoke on “The Importance of Directed Agricultural Extension and Advisory Services Agricultural”. Letsoalo highlighted a challenge faced by extension and advisory services practitioners who are tasked with executing duties outside of their scope. He said that it was imperative that crop or livestock advisorsfocus solely on their specialisation to maximise production for farmers.

Gomolemo Motitswane, a female farmer from Kagisano-Molopo Municipality said farmers felt that the session was most resourceful. “The sessions were very informative; they were focused on the future of agriculture. It’s a pity that at times as farmers, we do not get implement what we learn from these types of workshops. However, the department should also implement Professor Letsoalo’s recommendation of directed extension services and provide farmers with continuous mentorship and monitoring in order to ensure that they yield quality produce and expand their businesses” said Gomolemo.

Award-winning young farmer, Pheko Mofokeng from Phaphamang Environmental Organisation has grown his agri-business in leaps and bounds and has been involved in mentoring young agriculture graduates on his farm, encouraged those passionate about agriculture to commit to ensuring that food insecurity is alleviated through their efforts and love for the sector. “Food insecurity cannot only be a government problem. It is important that we skill and impart knowledge on young people so that they are also able to contribute to tackling the triple challenges of poverty, unemployment and inequality through agriculture,” he quipped.

Renewal energy, technology, agriculture and food security were among the attention-drawing presentations that were discussed in length by the collective. Botswana University of Agriculture and Natural Resources Vice Chancellor, Dr Jespar Rees said that farmers should identify opportunities in agriculture that have high growth potential and consider the use of appropriate scale mechanisation and automation to improve production, simplify harvesting, agro-processing and packaging.
Representatives from other institutions such as the Agricultural Research Council (ARC), Italian Embassy, National Department of Social Development, FarmPin and SABIA contributed to the workshop and have vowed to work together with the department towards a common goal of addressing food insecurity, supporting farmers and ensuring that household quality nutrition is realised through agriculture.

Issued by:
Communication Services Directorate
Enquiries: MsEmeldaSetlhako
Tel: 018 389 5684/ Cell: 060 745 4020
Twitter: @nwpg _dard

Mec Mohono vows to continue with food security initiatives

Media Houses
Date: Friday, 21 February 2020


Marikana – The North West MEC for Agriculture and Rural Development, Desbo Mohono has vowed to continue to support indigent households in the North West province. Mohono was speaking at Wonderkop, Marikana in Bojanala Platinum District yesterday, 19 February 2020 where food security projects where handed to needy households within the area as part of the Marikana Food security outreach programme.

Speaking to the community during the outreach, MEC Mohono said the intensification of food security activities in the province was necessary. “We have families in our province where people go to bed without eating. This explains the position of the province; in that we are food insecure. This also tells us that we need to go all out to look for these families and to empower them to produce food. As a Department, I am not here to provide food parcels, but I stand as enabler for you to produce your food,” she emphasized.

At least 100 indigent families have been identified in the area prompting MEC to pronounce her intention to return to the area and for the Department to seek ways to empower them. MEC reiterated that it was going to be easy for a tailored support once the families were identified. She also highlighted that she was comfortable about the availability of water in the area which was going to make it easy for the projects to flourish.
Of those identified, some beneficiaries were handed over projects immediately. Koko Rebecca Masimong of Dikhibidung Section received vegetable seedling, garden tools and fruit trees. The 77 year old mother of three unemployed children was ready to roll her sleeves and work in garden as her inputs were delivered. Agricultural activities were not new to the elder who was found packing chilies which she plants and sells to nearby households.

Expressing her gratitude, Koko Masimong said she was happy that MEC Mohono came in person to visit families. “I am happy and I begin to see that our government cares for the people. I did not think that people like us can be visited by people from higher positions,” she said griming. Masimong said the garden will grow as she has made it the responsibility of everyone in the family. “The survival of the family has been always been a collective effort, she said.
More other families in Wonderkop also received garden seedlings, garden tools, fruit trees and five families received 20 indigenous each bringing the total number of chickens delivered to beneficiaries.

The Acting Head of Department, Mr Dipepeneneng Serage who was also part of the outreach said the Departmental come back would be to relook into more support as he had identified the need in some projects during the walkabout. Serage said the Department was committed to ensure sustainability of the empowerment efforts through participation and assistance of agricultural advisors.
As part of fulfilling the multi-sectoral approach stance and as part of further stimulating agricultural production in the marginalised areas through cooperation and collaborations with other relevant stakeholders, the Marikana Food security outreach programme saw a full support of the local businesses including Northam Eiland Platinum Mine as well as Sibanye Stillwater. Both Institutions pledged support to the agricultural initiatives support in the area.

Food security also sits high on the province’s developmental agenda with North West Department of Agriculture and Rural Development prioritising it and its contribution to the Gross Domestic Product. Following the last year pronounciation of the North West province in the last position of Food Security within the country, MEC Mohono committed her Department to heighten public awareness on the Sustainable Development Goals and the way in which they would address issues of poverty, hunger and malnutrition.
2318 – MEC Desbo Mohono with 77 year-old Koko Rebecca Masimong together checking Koko’s established garden
2522 – MEC Desbo Mohono and Acting HoD, Mr Dipepeneng Serage on a walkabout at households in Marikana. The Department handed over food security projects to households in the area.

Issued by:
Communication Services Directorate

Enquiries: Ms Emelda Setlhakories: Ms Emelda Setlhako

Tel: 018 389 5684018 389 5684/ / Cell: Cell: 060 745 4020060 745 4020
Twitter: @nwpg _dard

The first international agricultural investment summit hailed a success by delegates

KLERKSDORP-The first ever International Agricultural Investment Summit organised by the North West Department of Agriculture and Rural Development in partnership with the Global Economist Forum (GEF) has been described by several delegates as a huge success. This first of its kind summit was held in Klerksdorp last week from the 12th-13th of December 2019.

The objective of the summit was amongst others to promote investment into the field of agriculture development, promote agricultural entrepreneurship in order to boost the contribution made by this sector to the domestic economy, address and encourage awareness of agriculture in a broader spectrum as well as to introduce new dimensions in rural development and sustainable agriculture which will ultimately contribute in making the North West Province a revered food basket.

The summit also discussed agricultural investment opportunities, funding mechanisms, recent innovations and trends in the field of agriculture; managerial practices; concerns as well as practical challenges encountered and related solutions adopted in promoting and strengthening investments.

In her opening address, MEC Desbo Mohono of Agriculture and Rural Development said the North West Province has abundant private, state and communal land resource and it must be utilised to benefit the residents of the province.

“We feel that there is a lot that can be done to grow the agricultural sector in the province. Therefore with this first international summit, we want to explore and find creative ways to deal with the current and future challenges in this very sector, we are also encouraging farmers in the province to work together to ensure that we utilize all the available farming land in the province to ensure that the residents of North West Province will not be food insecure through investment opportunities created by the summit.

On behalf of the Provincial government, North West Premier Tebogo Job Mokgoro assured delegates that the summit has government support. He reminded the gathering that agriculture remain the main contributor to job creation.

In his address, Premier Mokgoro emphasised that the province has comparative edge that has not yet been explored over the past few years and reiterated that it must be done for the benefit of North West residents.

Amongst others, the following were identified by the summit as investment opportunities and commodities of interest in the North West Province: cotton; dry beans; groundnuts; sunflower; yellow maize; peacan nuts; lucerne, beef; goats and poultry to mention just few.

Part of strategic intervention by the department will include developing integrated implementation programmes supported by value chain planning, strengthening coordination towards catalytic programmes and projects for investment by both private and public sector and redesign the funding support mechanism; enhance transformation in skills development, market access and infrastructure development.

The last day of the summit saw delegates of government and of GEF committing to work together to support farmers. Government delegates vowed to make land available to farmers for food production and avail requisite human capital to support the cause.

GEF on the other hand has committed to conduct feasibility and viability studies for the success of the initiative, provide requisite technical expertise, provide associated funding and funding mechanisms, unlock and create sustainable markets access, monitor, evaluate and develop support interventions for a minimum duration of two years. The Global Economist Forum is a general consultative member organization of the United Nations (UN). One of the key priorities of GEF is to provide support to different countries with the development of agriculture in designated regions by utilizing and cultivating lands through the help of trained agriculturalists, mainly from the South Asia.

Dr Nancy De Sousa, the Vice President of the Global Economist Forum (GEF) said her organization is proud to partner with the North West Department of Agriculture and Rural Development on this initiative which is geared at changing the lives of ordinary citizens for better.
She praised the Department for organising such an important summit and said the GEF is equally willing to assist with expertise to ensure that the vision of a food secure North West Province is realised.
Sindi Mzamu President of the Global Business Women Circle said her organisation is also proud to have been part of the summit and she is happy with the outcome of the summit.
“I think it went exceptionally well and we are very supportive of what the North West Province is trying to do with this summit. It is a much-needed initiative which will assist farmers to produce more food and boost the economy of the region and of the country,” Mzamu said.
Delegates included farmer unions, farmers, agri-businesses, international delegates, senior government administrators as well as leaders of provincial government.
The second international summit will be held next year where progress on commitments made during the first summit will be reviewed.

NW Department of Agriculture and Rural development to host International Investment Summit

Mahikeng – The North West Provincial Government through the Department of Agriculture & Rural Development (DARD) in its endeavour to foster and/or establish possible investment partnerships and collaborations within the Agricultural Sector will be hosting its 1st International Agricultural Investment Summit jointly with the Global Economist Forum (GEF).

The aim of the summit is to address and encourage awareness of agriculture in a broader spectrum; to introduce new dimensions in rural development and sustainable agriculture as well as to promote Entrepreneurship and Corporate Social Responsibility; to explore preparation of land to cultivate new types of crops as well as establishment of a vibrant economy that will immensely contribute to making the North West Province a revered food basket.

Following her commitment to host an Agricultural Investment Summit made during the 2019/2020 Departmental Budget Speech Vote, MEC Desbo Mohono will host international and local delegates across all spheres of government including private entities on a two day programme that will focus on changes in the agricultural production; managerial practices; recent innovations, trends, concerns as well as practical challenges encountered and related solutions adopted in promoting and strengthening investments in the field of agricultural development.

The Global Economist Forum is a general consultative member organization of the United Nations (UN). One of the key priorities of GEF is to provide support to different countries with the development of agriculture in designated regions by utilizing and cultivating lands through the help of trained agriculturalists, mainly from the South Asia. It is on this basis that the Forum intents to develop and transform the abundant available land in South Africa to be the bread basket which will benefit the South African citizens and most importantly the people of the North West Province, as the host.

The Summit has been scheduled as follows:
 DATE: Thursday, 12 and Friday, 13 December 2019
 TIME: 08h00 am daily
 VENUE: Rio Casino & Convention Centre, Klerksdorp, City of Matlosana Local Municipality
Members of the media are invited to cover this important initiative.
RSVP: Tsholofelo Dintwe on 018 389 5768/083 5767 655 or email: by Monday, 09 December 2019 at 12h00.

Issued by: Communication Services Directorate
Enquiries: Ms Emelda Setlhako
Tel: 018 389 5684/ Cell: 060 745 4020
Email: Twitter: @nwpg _dard