Department’s support lifts more farmers

The continued commitment to farmers support and development by the North West Department of Agriculture and development is giving birth to many blossoming businesses across the province. In the Bojanala District alone, farming entrepreneurs are at length breaking the barriers and entering the once stiff markets. One of those farmers, Sonto Mujakachi has her eyes glued to bigger farming territories. The urge of going back to her „first love‟ has driven once a celebrated corporate executive manager to leave her occupation and join the farming sector. Mujakachi has vowed to make a mark on food security after quitting her full time job which she had been doing for 25 years and joined the agriculture sector permanently.

In a 50 hectares farm, she has bought and has been operating in since 2016, Mujakachi specialises in the production of agricultural products which include spinach, peppers and beans and baby marrows. Of the 50 hectares of the farm which is based at Brits within the Madibeng Local Municipality, only 25 hectares are under irrigation.

She has appreciated the support of nearly R1million infrastructure development from the North West Department of Agriculture and Rural Development. She indicated that the pivot system bought through the support has made the running of the farm a lot better and was looking forward to business growth. She is also receiving technical support through advisory services team of the Department.

“I started this company is 2016 as a sole owner. I was simply responding to government‟s call for woman industrialists to become involved in the agricultural sector. So our focus is to establish a formidable agricultural company that produces first grade peppers, spinach and cucumber for both domestic and international markets,” she highlighted.

The farm is structured into four multispan tunnels with drip irrigation, a six hectare shade net structure, two hectares of open land with drip irrigation, 14 hectares open land with centre pivot. The 650m2 packhouse consist of features such as cold room facilities, ablution and washing up facilities, sanitation machines, wrapping and packing facilities, pallet handling as well as loading ramps.
She was so determined to succeed that she did an intensive research before putting her dream into action. She has assembled a team of highly driven individuals to run the farm. “I would to see the farm succeed at all costs and I was prepared to take many risks to into by investing my entire retirement package into it and to look for people with notable credentials in the sector. My team is partner focused and places the utmost trusting relationships within the group, with our stakeholders and business partners,” she alluded.

The 51-years-old mother of one, is currently employing 40 workers, 20 permanent as well as 20 seasonal. She is encouraged to contribute to provision employment opportunities. “The unemployment statistics do not paint a good picture for us as South Africa. I try to provide as many opportunities as I can especially for young people. I take full responsibility as an entrepreneur to ensure that Treasure Trove Farms make a difference by giving young people work opportunities, Mujakachi emphasised.

She also trains her staff on an ongoing basis and this she said assists to keep them up to date with new standard requirements and generally to have a skilled team. She further indicated that there was a lot of space for growth and development in the sector.

Her hard work and dedication has led her to secure supply contracts with giant stores like Woolworths, Pick „n Pay, Food Lovers Market and Fresh Mark. She supplies these all at a national market and on a daily basis. She further supplies to the Pretoria and Johannesburg Fresh produce markets. Sonto said she was looking forward to many other supply opportunities and she was currently exploring the export market for cucumbers.

To any woman who would want to make it in the sector, Mujakachi said the sector is not easy, yet, it is very rewarding. “Besides the cost of production and changing weather patterns and other than relying on the breath of your employees skills, you need to have a good relationship with the community that you work in. It is amazing how our local farmers can have skills and expertise. I advise women farmers to take advantage of those and learn from others. The knowledge is amazing, do not only look into what you have, the world around you might be richer with expertise,” she acknowledged.

She emphasised that she was welcoming any farmer who would want to go and work with her. She is prepared to share her skills with others. With the big markets she is already exposed to, she indicated that she would want to see other farmer tapping into the same markets. She is also prepared to assist through her pack house and teach others packing methodologies. But over-all, Mujakachi indicated she is prepared for collaborations with emerging farmers who are determined to grow their business.

Issued by the Communication Services Directorate
Enquiries: Ms Emelda Setlhako
Tel: 018 389 5684 Cell: 060 745 4020
Email: Twitter: NorthWest_READ

Farmers showcase horticulture trade

Brits – Trading with vegetables, fruits and flowers is increasing in the Bojanala District, drawing hundreds of people yearly to annual Horticulture Expo and equally creating a platform for sharing ideas amongst the farmers themselves. From the day to day vegetable products, to agro-processed products like beauty items, Moringa and ornamental plants and many others, the 2019 Expo reflected a step in the right direction for this event hosted by the by the North West Department of Agriculture and Rural Development at Brits Sport Grounds on 15 August 2019. The Expo was held in partnership with Madibeng Local Municipality.

The Bojanala Expo is a developmental initiative in that amongst others is aimed at showcasing horticulture products through various exhibitions as produced by local farmers and consequently market such produce and services. Furthermore farmers were, through the Expo, afforded training and skill transfer opportunities. With the theme “Live Better with Horticulture”, the entrepreneurs brought what could be termed the cream of their crop products, scoring some good sales and some good exposure for their brands.

Whilst they appreciated the opportunity, farmers were keen on their involvement in making sure that the market grows to greater heights.

Minah Kgwebane of the Masa a Khwebane Primary cooperative who exhibited their Agro processed beauty products valued the prospect of engaging with other farmers and hopes to participate further in the Expo. From only being in business for a full one year, the young woman who is also a medical doctor by profession acknowledges that agriculture is a way of life. She currently uses aloe vera for her products and hopes to grow business to the export level. Her 5 hectare farm in the far flung village of Jericho is making strides and with the platforms like the Expo, Kgwebane is adamant that “Business is finding its true meaning,” she said.

Job Betha, one of Honey Nectarous, has been on honey keeping business for over 10 years in Brits. He currently employs 8 people. He has received financial support from other government organisations. He is also looking forward to further participate in the Expo.

Speaking to the farmers at the opening of the 2nd event, the North West Agriculture and Rural Development Department’s Director at Bojanala District, Ms Arlene Dikolomela said there was a need for business networking platforms and the Bojanala Horticulture Expo will at length serve as a platform for such engagements. “This field requires participants to share ideas on an ongoing basis, and we need this expo to assist farmers to continually meet and engage. We also have invited leaners and we need farmers to motivate them,” Dikolomela said.

She was confident of the horticulture performance in Bojanala and resolute towards the sector support and development. “There is potential and as we are working towards the 2030 goal of reducing hunger. We have seen many professionals leaving their sectors and joining agriculture and this indicates that were bound to get some game changing ideas from them, “she concluded.

Technicians receive training on animal disease prevention and control

Ngaka Modiri Molema Animal Health Technicians from the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development held the 2nd mini-congress on Wednesday, 14 August 2019 with the aim of improving their knowledge around Porcine/ Pig Diseases and to sharpen their skills on animal health issues. This comes after the increase of outbreaks of the African Swine Fever (ASF) that led to the quarantine of farms that were affected in and around April 2019.

Animal health technicians fulfil an important task with regard to the health of both the animal and human population in South Africa and are mainly responsible for the maintenance of primary animal health care.

Dr Simon Mosenogi, the Deputy Director for Veterinary Animal Health said “this congress will enable technical staff to be better equipped to assist clients in the event of outbreaks and disease prevention as it is what we as veterinary service advocate for at all time. This recent outbreak of African Swine Fever (ASF) came at a time when we were prepared and had put effective control measures in place. I am happy that we have made significant progress in ensuring that we have capacity to deal with outbreaks.”

Agriculture and Rural Development Deputy Director for Export and Import, Dr Rapule Mphuthi spoke extensively on the importance of vaccination and the early treatment programme for disease control of various pig illnesses that affect production and the economic aspect of pig farming. “It is important that when animal health technicians visit a farm for a reported case, they take the necessary precaution that will enable them to correctly diagnose diseases and record things such as temperature which may be regarded as insignificant, however, such information help in tracking disease patterns. It is also important to note that there are diseases that cannot be managed with treatments and therefore the animals would have to be culled,” Mphuthi said.

In addition, South African Pork Producers Association (SAPPO), Dr Peter Evans presented on the Common Porcine Disease of Note and disease prevention strategies that are often neglected.

He said that strict bio-security measures can prevent the biggest and heaviest diseases that affect pigs. “There is no vaccine or cure for ASF thus simple measures such as changing clothing and sanitising when entering a farm can prevent the spread of disease that may have been picked up from other infected pigs,” Evans said.

The department’s Veterinary Services directorate urges farmers to be vigilant and to report any sudden illness and deaths of their pigs to the local state veterinarian.

This training on animal disease prevention and control will continue at other three districts of the province.

Issued by the Communication Services Directorate
Enquiries: Ms Emelda Setlhako
Tel: 018 389 5684 / 5719
Cell: 060 745 4020
Twitter: @nwpg_dard

Young people see opportunities in exports and import markets

Brits- Bojanala Youth Groups would like to see more training and development offered to share information on available opportunities in the Exports and Import related markets. The youth were part of a workshop on regulations relating to grading, packing and marking of fresh vegetables hosted by the North West Department of Agriculture and Rural Development
DARD) National Department of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development. Thisworkshop was done as part of the 2nd Horticulture Expo held at Brits Sport Grounds on 15 August 2019.

The workshop was intended to share information with the farmers on the requirements for entering the fresh produce Exports and Import markets. This included legislative framework that govern the vegetable industry that farmers would need to understand before entering the market. Issues relating to restrictions, quality standards, packing requirements and packing materials were some of the discussions shared with the enthusiastic farming entrepreneurs.

Mr Mpho Sekgala from the National Department of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development, who works with Food Imports and Exports standard, said it was imperative for the farmers to get information on the requirements as the market need ed people who would have a higher production volume and would be able to sustain it. He emphasised that many farmers end up facing challenges in their businesses because they d o not do enough research before entering the market. “ The Department is available to guide as and when farmers need to export. There is information in terms of which country need what type of fresh produce as well as when is that needed. This information is very handy because the farmers get to know the demand.

Sekgala encouraged the farmers to form structures which would have specialist s dealing with market access, Business Support, Capacity and Technical issues . He reiterated that the incumbents would enable a better operation of an organisation and create a sustainable process for the functioning thereof . “This means whenever you have received funding, your specialists based on their area of work must advice on how t he resources can be allocated and utilised. The effective use of the model allows for uninterrupted management of an organisation.

Tebogo More of SAYCC youth group from Kgabalatsane who participated at the workshop said the export and import market infor- mation was very advantageous on their part. He thought that more over the standards needed for exports and import markets, the session shared information which presented business opportunities for youth. “It was interesting because, more than what farmers need to do before exporting or importing, for us we saw a lot of opportunities for business especially for young people,” he quipped. “The Pack House concept is one which caught my attention. We will go out and do a research on what is needed for a fresh produce Pack House but from what I get here, t his is so doable for youth. We sometimes need to identify the gaps and be in position to close them,” More added.

He said he was going back to further share information with his five member group with a hope that they will feel inspired as he was. “Our involvement means many young people would be entepreneurs and because this would be a youth project even the jobs created must be biased to youth. Our contribution to youth employment statistics would be significant,” he concluded.

The DARD Director at Bojanala District, Ms Arlene Dikolomela encouraged the farmers to work together and start a forum which will look deeply into how farmers will work together to grow horticulture business and impact positively on people’s lives.

Issued by the Communication Services Directorate
Enquiries: Ms Emelda Setlhako
Tel: 018 389 5684
Cell: 060 745 4020
Twitter: NorthWest_dard

Mec Desbo Mohono announces acting Head of Department

Mahikeng – Mr Dipepeneneng Serage has been appointed as the Acting Head of Department (HOD) of the North West Department of Agriculture and Rural Development with effect from today, 01 August 2019. MEC Desbo Mohono made the announcement of Mr Serage’s appointment today, Thursday, 01 August 2019 during the Department’s Senior Management meeting.

Serage who is not new to the province, has been seconded from the National Department of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development where he was serving as a Chief Director responsible for Biosecurity Services.

His appointment follows the expiry of employment contract of the former HoD.

Mr Serage is a professional with lot of experience in the agricultural sector and has held various senior positions in government including in this department where he previously served as the manager responsible for Structured Agricultural, Education and Training. It is expected that with his leadership skills and experience, Mr Serage will turn around performance of the department, strengthen leadership and ensure achievement of advanced agricultural and rural development services in the province.

MEC Desbo Mohono has wished the Acting HOD Serage well in his new responsibilities and urged management team and staff to accord him full cooperation as he discharges his duties.

Issued by the Communication Services Directorate
Enquiries: Ms Emelda Setlhako
Tel: 018 389 5684
Cell: 060 745 4020
Twitter: @nwpg_dard

Mentor–mentee programme for aspiring young black Auctioneers

MAHIKENG-In an effort to transform the hostile industry of agricultural auctions in the Province, MEC Desbo Mohono on Wednesday, 24 July 2019 announced that plans are afoot to train black aspiring auctioneers to become professionals.
This undertaking will be realised through a mentor–mentee programme to be launched by the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development in the province soon.

With this programme, the department seeks to increase the pool of previously disadvantaged people who own, control and manage existing and new enterprises within the auction industry.

Tabling her 2019/2020 budget and policy vote in the North West Provincial Legislature last Wednesday, 24 July 2019 MEC Mohono stressed that the deserving youth aspiring to become professional auctioneers should be afforded an opportunity to tap into the industry with the aim of influencing real and meaningful change.

“We are tapping into this glacial industry of auctions and we want our people to really penetrate this souk,” MEC Mohono told the legislature.

Mohono is optimistic that piloting this programme in the province is necessary to redress past imbalances and create a climate which is conducive to the meaningful participation of blacks in untransformed industries such as auctioneering.

“In trying to address the injustices of the past in this competitive industry, we are going to have a mentor–mentee programme for four of our mentors who will then funnel and guide the other four youth we are going to select very soon, to stimulate rural economy through black auctioneering services for black industrialists,” MEC Mohono announced.

The department sees auction industry accessibility as a great opportunity to promote sustainable development and job creation especially amongst the youth.

The scope for growth in this sector is irrefutable and it should therefore be explored.

Issued by the Communication Services Directorate
Enquiries: Ms EmeldaSetlhako
Tel: 018 389 5684
Cell: 060 745 4020
Twitter : NorthWest_READ

MEC Mohono plans for advanced development in the NW Agric Sector

Mahikeng – A firm foundation is set to be laid in the North West agricultural sector, as MEC Mohono leads the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development in the sixth administration. In delivering the departmental Policy and Budget Vote Speech for 2019/20, on 24 July 2019 at the North West Provincial Legislature, MEC Mohono emphasised the need to close the gap in delivery of agricultural and rural development efforts in the province. Mohono has committed to utilise the over R1, 1 billion budget to ensure that people’s lives are touched and transformed. With over R421 million, the pace of farmer support and development programme is set to change for better. With this allocation to department will robustly implement programmes including food security, crop massification and livestock improvement. Household Food Security will reach out to 2400 needy and food insecure households through provision of the agricultural packages. “A crop production plan is being rolled-out to plant 20 000 hectares of grains across the province during this season, whilst also diversifying to cotton & barley, and
further looking into other perennial crops such as olives and peacan nuts,” Mohono further elaborated.

The year under review will also see the introduction of goat massification programme. This is an initiative meant to see much investment in goats as well as exportation efforts.

In order to intensify the call for agricultural sector development and investment, the department will intensify efforts of expansion to agro-processing. “A turn-around plan in collaboration with Council of Scientific Industrial Research (CSIR) to complete fourteen (14) multi-year Agro-Processing projects is in process. Other plans include creation of partnership opportunities with the City of Matlosana Local Municipality Fresh Produce Market and relocation of Mogwase Farmers Market to Madibeng Municipality given the comparative advantage of horticulture,” Mohono added. Further investment is set to be made on a Dairy Processing Plant in Ngaka Modiri Molema District, Poultry Hatchery in Dr Kenneth Kaunda and Feed-mill in Dr Kenneth Kaunda through blended funding.
The department will as part of conversation with stakeholders, host the Provincial Summit on Agriculture in October 2019 to map out opportunities for job creation and economic transformation in Agriculture through identified funding source from United Nations.
MEC Mohono has declared her unwavering efforts towards effective collaboration on delivery of the mandate of the department as well as to ensure growth and transformation of the sector.

Issued by the Communication Services Directorate
Enquiries: Ms Emelda Setlhako
Tel: 018 389 5684
Cell: 060 745 4020

Department adopts community institutions to accelerate access to nutritious food

Media Houses
Date: Thursday, 18 June 2019


Klerksdorp – Four community Institutions will endure under the wings of the North West Department of Agriculture and Rural Development to enable them to produce nutritious vegetables for the community members they host. The Department has adopted Tsamma Seconday School, Techford Disability Center, Emmanuel Disabled and Old Age Center and Khaya Tshepo Home of Hope for Vulnerable Children and given them food security projects to sustain their need to have food.

North West MEC for Department of Agriculture and Rural Development, Desbo Mohono in partnership with Motlosana Local Municipality handed over food security projects to hundred and fifty (150) indigent families and the four institutions yesterday, 17 July 2019. This was to mark Mandela Day commemoration. The 2019 Mandela Day marks a decade since the international charity initiative was established. This day is celebrated annually on July 18 to celebrate of Nelson Mandela’s life and legacy. It is a global movement to take his life’s work into a new era and change the world for the better. Mandela Day asks us all to “Take Action; Inspire Change; Make Every Day a Mandela Day.”

The initiative was to mark 10 years of Nelson Mandela Day which is an international charity movement that encourages communities to take action against poverty, social injustices and change the world for the better. Amongst the new identified key strategy approach for International Nelson Mandela Day focuses on food and nutrition.

One of the 150 household beneficiaries’, Mpho Christina Tamane (63) who has been living in Jouberton since 1994 says that she survives on her government grant and selling vegetables from her garden “I am very happy that government realises the importance of food security and that I am one of the beneficiaries of this project. The extended vegetable garden will help me make more profit as there is now a variety of vegetables that people can buy”. Tamane added that the increase in profits will enable her to help her 8 year old grandchild with basic necessities and other household needs.

In addition, the manager at the Emmanuel Disability and Old Age Center, Keikobile Martha Magabe expressed her gratitude towards the initiative and hopes that the department continues to assist many other centers that take care of the vulnerable with projects that contribute positively in their lives. “The center has been running since 2010 and currently houses 190 people with various vulnerabilities including orphans, victims of abuse and former drug addicts that no longer want to live with their families because of numerous challenges” said Magabe.

She also said that the garden tools, seedlings received will assist with the challenge of nutrition and food insecurity within the center. The centre was also handed 40 indigenous chickens. Through the food security programme, the provincial Department of Agriculture and Rural Development realises its constitutional mandate concerning the right to food and the freedom charter clause which advocates for food to be plentiful for all.

MEC Desbo Mohono highlighted that North West is ranked as one of the most food insecure provinces in the country and has committed to delivering more projects. “I want to see North West citizens having access to quality nutritious food and living a healthy lifestyle. This project should be the foundations for our communities’ to start food markets in order for them earn money to be able to sustain their livelihoods” said Mohono. She has encouraged beneficiaries to sustain their gardens and assured them that the department’s extension and advisory services will assist with continuous monitoring and support as well as proper maintenance of the

Identified families consist of unemployed youth, women, the poor and the vulnerable. They have received agricultural inputs, seedlings as well as feed so they can intensively engage in agricultural activities and contribute to poverty reduction at household level. The department will further assist to provide infrastructure for all projects.

## ends ##
Issued by the Communication Services Directorate
Enquiries: Ms Emelda Setlhako
Tel: 018 389 5684
Cell: 060 745 4020

Twenty North West young aspirant farmers to receive funding for their trade

KLERKSDORP – Twenty young farmers in the North West are set to receive funding as part of the North West Department of Agriculture and Rural Development with the National Department of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development’s call for entrepreneurs to apply for funding of their projects for the year 2020/21. Five young people will be sourced from each of the four districts of the North West province, making this twenty. MEC Desbo Mohono of the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development, made the courageous announcement at the end of the two-day Youth Dialogue on Agriculture held at Klerksdorp recently. The Dialogue was meant to bring together youth with interest in agriculture together for information sharing and empowering session.

The Department had earlier this month called on organized Agriculture, Farmers (Small holder and Commercial), Entrepreneurs, Previously Disadvantaged Individuals (Youth, Women and People Living with Disabilities), Institutions (Traditional Leaders, School, Churches and etc.) and Cooperatives in the North West Province to apply for funding for 2020/21 financial year. The funding of projects aims to realize the National Development Plan’s (NDP) vision 2030 of addressing the triple challenges of poverty, inequality and unemployment as well as positively contribute to food security, job creation, and economic growth.

MEC Mohono said she would want to see young people empowered in order for the country to realise its economic goals. “We have gone beyond the promising timeline. It is time for action. Young people must work and we need to ensure that we give them resources. I am guaranteeing funding for the 20 Youth and I am going to ensure that they get their businesses to greater heights and realise their dreams,” MEC emphasised.

Over and above the funding for 20 youth, four young people (one from each district) will be trained as auctioneers to assist the province and lay foundation for disadvantaged groups to penetrate and assist to transform the outlook of the auction business in the province. Four co- operatives (one in each district) will also be established and empowered. The ever-important capacity building measures, the crucial resource provisioning, and many other ways including time investment would be exerted to assist the co-operatives. Agri–Logistics hub will be established, one in each district to assist to improve the competitiveness in the agriculture through the development of logistics system to support the sector.

Many young people who attended the Dialogue applauded the pronouncements and committed to work hard and dedicate time to ensure that their lives are changed for better. 28 years old Bertha Morei, from Dr Kenneth Kaunda said young people have waited for a long time for such bold pronouncements. “We thank MEC so much for the help and we will ensure that we don’t disappoint her. She is confident in our capability and we need to play our part in ensuring that the investment she is making to young people does not end in vain,” she said enthusiastically.

MEC Mohono said all the projects will be implemented in 12 months.

Issued by the Communication Services Directorate Enquiries: Ms Emelda Setlhako
Tel: 018 389 5684
Cell: 060 745 4020

North West to host Provincial two-day youth in Agriculture dialogue

In order to commemorate the 2019 Youth Month, the North West MEC for Agriculture and Rural Development, Desbo Mohono will host youth from all four districts in all sub-sectors of agriculture and rural development for a two day dialogue to be held under the theme: “25 Years of Democracy: promoting youth activism through conversation for economic freedom”, in Klerksdorp from the 25 – 26 June 2019.

The dialogue aims to enhance capacities of youth through addressing their needs, promoting positive outcomes, providing integrated coordinated package of services, opportunities and support that is necessary for agricultural and entrepreneurial skills development.

Furthermore, the platform will be used to create an inclusive environment for partnership, networking and education to enhance advocacy and information sharing on empowerment and available career opportunities in the sector.

The Youth Dialogue is expected to produce a Programme of Action for economic transformation with comprehensive consideration for youth in the province.

Details of the Dialogue:

  • Venue: Matlosana Banquet Hall, Klerksdorp (Dr Kenneth Kaunda District)
  • Date: Tuesday 25 until Wednesday 26 June 2019
  • Time: 10h00

Transport and accommodation is available on request for community media. Please RSVP to Ms Tsholofelo Dintwe at: 5767 655 on or before Thursday, 20 June 2019 before 13h00.

Issued by the Communication Services Directorate Enquiries: Ms EmeldaSetlhako
Tel: 018 389 5684
Cell: 060 745 4020