Date: Thursday, 19 May 2022
Mahikeng – The North West Department of Agriculture and Rural Development (NWDARD) will this
year appoint a total of four hundred & forty-three (443) Assistant Agricultural Advisors on a threeyear contract to bolster its extension and advisory services. MEC Desbo Mohono made this
announcement today, Thursday 19 May 2022 at the Provincial Legislature when she was tabling the
NWDARD budget vote.
This follows a pronouncement made by both the President and the Minister on the appointment of
10 000 Assistant Agricultural Extension Advisors across the country. Out of this 10 000, 443 will be
coming from the North-West Province.
“Extension and advisory services is the coalface platform for the department’s interaction, liaison and
support to farmers and communities. Agricultural advisory through this service are at the forefront of
service delivery and are the face of the sector to clients and the public,” MEC Mohono expressed.
“They play an important role as information intermediaries between scientists and farmers,
translating, and adding value to agronomic and economic information of use in agricultural
management decision making,” she added.
An amount of R11.1 million from the Comprehensive Agricultural Support Programme will be used in
this regard.
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Fax: +27(18) 384 4571
AgriCentre Building
Cnr. Dr. James Moroka and
Stadium Rd
Private Bag X2039, Mmabatho 2735
During the 2021/22 financial year alone, the department managed to support a total of seven
thousand nine hundred and ninety-two (7 992) smallholder producers across the province with
agricultural advisory services through the Extension Recovery Programme (ERP).
In as far as as job creation is concerned and as part of contributing towards addressing the triple
challenges of poverty; unemployment & inequality in the province, the NWDARD managed to create
an overall of 979 jobs through Land Care Programme; Rural Development initiatives, the Expanded
Public Works Programme (EPWP) as well as through the Environment and Culture (EAC) Sector Work
At the end of the 2022/23 financial year, a total of 1 147 work opportunities would be created
throughout the province.
Issued by:
Communication Services Directorate
Enquiries: Ms Emelda Setlhako
Tel: 018 389 5684/ Cell: 060 745 4020
Twitter: @nwpg _dard

One District, One plan and One Budget in action as Agriculture Department launches MUNI-MEC forum

Rustenburg – The North-West Department of Agriculture and Rural Development (NWDARD) is in it
for an all-government approach as it led the launch of Muni-MEC forum, a structure aimed at
involving the three spheres of government in integrated planning with the aim of transforming the
agricultural sector in the province. The launch which took place today, 16 May 2022 was an effort of
the NWDARD to officiate partnerships in facilitating a seamless process of planning, coordinating and
implementing agricultural services locally. This forum, to be led by MEC Desbo Mohono is constituted
by representatives of the National Department of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development,
the NWDARD as well as all municipalities in the province, specifically Members of Municipal
committees of Agriculture and Rural Development, Human Settlements as well as Infrastructure.
Following a series of MEC’s stakeholder meetings during the month of April 2022 between the
Department and municipalities, a determination was made that there was a need to have the three
spheres to work together in accelerating services. NWDARD has concluded to set up a forum to assist
in reaching a common goal of revitalising agriculture locally.
Speaking during the launch, the Head of NWDARD, Mr Thupi Mokhatla said the forum forms part of
the District Development Model, an operational model for improving cooperative governance aimed at
building a capable and ethical development state. He further asserted that key to the forum
Tel: +27 (18) 389 5719/5684
Fax: +27(18) 384 4571
AgriCentre Building
Cnr. Dr. James Moroka and
Stadium Rd
Private Bag X2039, Mmabatho 2735
deliverables would be to have joint effort in identifying the needs of communities within the
agricultural sector, alignment of intervention plans, budgeting, and implementation thereof. This he
said, would basically translate into a single plan that would reach many people and result in a better
benefit to the communities.
MEC Mohono, who is passionate about coordinated government efforts particularly on agricultural
services said the process which culminated in the forum launch was a fully consulted product. She
also emphasised that the projects as implemented in the various municipalities must be a product all
three spheres of government’s efforts. “Muni-MEC forum is purely launched in the context of
eliminating and erasing the silo mentality from all three arms of government. Seamless coordination
of government work and projects will assist in fastracking developments, eliminate red tapes as all
decision makers converge from all spheres of government,” MEC Mohono said.
She further reiterated that the forum will need to be at the forefront in making an impact in local
communities. “The bulkwalk of the North-West province economy relies heavily on agriculture and
many other sector facets. The major assignment of this forum in partnership with municipalities will
also be issues relating to profiling skills and education levels, current employment and growth trends
as well as potential arrears for growth with a view of unlocking the potential within municipalities,”
Mohono further alluded.
Municipalites in the province through various Executive Mayors, Mayors AND MMCs, who also
attended the launch have voiced their unequivocal support to the forum. Amongst others, these
municipalities representatives have appreciated the initiative by MEC Mohono and lauded the forum
as a proper vehicle to take services to communities. Cllr Itumeleng Moarabi, MMC Local Economic
Development at Ngaka Modiri Molema District, amongst other representatives, has also welcomed the
initiative and declared his trust on a partnership “that will bring transformation in the agricultural
As part of the launch, the forum has adopted Terms of Reference as well a framework Muni-MEC
operations. The forum will also be in two folds i.e. Muni-MEC which will constitute MEC and MMCs;
and the Technical Muni-MEC which will constitute of the HoD, Mr Thupi Mokhatla as well as Chief
Directors and Directors of participating Departments and Municipalities. The terms of reference detail
composition and functions of the committees, the roles of each stakeholder group as well as meeting


MEDIA INVITE Att : All Media Houses All Journalists All Editors Date : Thursday, 12 May 2022

Mahikeng-In an effort to ensure that there is seamless coordination of agricultural and rural development related services between the department and local government, MEC Desbo Mohono will on Monday, 16 May 2022 launch a Muni-MEC forum. This decision to launch Muni-MEC comes after a series of engagements between municipalities and the department held throughout the entire province recently. During this engagements, a need to foster practical intergovernmental relations in order to plan, budget and implement jointly in order to provide a coherent government for the people was identified. Other than ensuring that there is synergy between the Department and municipalities in the province, the forum will also be used to implement the District Development Model, (DDM).

Under the District Development Model all three spheres of government coordinate and integrate development plans and budgets and mobilise the capacity and resources of government and civil society, including business, labour and community, in pursuit of inclusive growth and job creation.
It is expected that on the day of the launch, the work and expectations for this forum will be outlined to government service recipients. Members of the media are therefore invited to cover the launch of this forum which scheduled to take place as follows:

Venue : Rustenburg Civic Centre
Date : Monday, 16 May 2022
Time : 10h00
Transport will be available on request for community media. Please RSVP to Ms Mandisa Mti at: 018 389 5150 on or before Friday, 13 May 2022 at 10h00.

Tel: +27 (18) 389 5719/5684
Fax: +27(18) 384 4571
Communication Services
AgriCentre Building
Cnr. Dr. James Moroka and
Stadium Rd
Private Bag X2039, Mmabatho 2735
Issued by Communication Services Directorate Enquiries: Ms Emelda Setlhako Tel: 018 389 5684 Email: Twitter: @nwpg _dard


Att: ALL
Media Houses
Date: Wednesday, 11 May 2022

MEC Desbo Mohono of Agriculture and Rural Development in the North West will this year, lead the provincial commemoration of World Bee Day in Mooifontein near Gelukspan. The
event is scheduled to take place on Wednesday, 18 May 2022. The theme for this year is “Bee engaged: Build back better for bees”. The department will use the day to create awareness amongst the communities on t he role bees play in creating employment, alleviating poverty, how they provide food security through crop and plant pollination as well as investment opportunities for small and medium enterprises.

In order to fully appreciate the crucial role of bees in food security, the North West Department of Agriculture and Rural Development has trained a number of farmers in beekeeping through the Agricultural Research Council and others have been assisted with basic beekeeping equipment. Beekeepers in North West and all other farmers with an interest in apiculture and are active, are encouraged to register on the departmental database for beekeepers. Attendance of the day will include bee keepers from across the province, farmers, exhibitors, and presente rs from various sectors of the apiculture industry to share expertise and knowledge.

Members of the media are therefore invited to this event which is scheduled to take place as follows:
TIME: 10H00
Transport will be available on request for community media. Please RSVP to Ms Mandisa Mti at: 018 389 5150 on or before Monday, 16 May 2022 before 13h00.

Issued by the Communication Services Directorate
Enquiries: Ms Emelda Setlhako
Tel: 018 389 5684
Cell: 060
745 4020


Media Houses
Date: Tuesday, 10 May 2022

Mahikeng-The Department of Agriculture and Rural Development in the North West Province has started with the second round of testing for Foot and Mouth Disease (FMD) as well as the inspection of farms in the JB Marks Local Municipality area (where the first case of FMD in the province was first reported.) This exercise, which started on the first week of May 2022, will continue for the next two to three weeks and it is set to cover all farms in the whole 10 km radius of the farm where the first outbreak was determined.

According to the Director for Veterinary Services in the North Wes Province Dr Langa Madybi, the tests and inspection of farms is done to determine if there is no virus that was still in incubation during the last tests and will manifest when its incubation finishes. “These tests are coupled with inspection for clinical signs and will serve as the basis for deciding on lifting the quarantine or not,” Dr Madybi emphasized. He also mentioned that sixty six (66) samples were taken from three (3) different farms where these tests were conducted for the week ending on the 06th May 2022 and no additional farms were quarantined. Since the re-testing exercise, eight (8) farms have already been attended to and a total of one thousand five hundred and fifteen (1515) cattle, hundred and eighty one (181) sheep and thirty five (35) goats have been inspected.

Although the disease has not spread beyond the point where it was arrested in, farmers in the province are still urged to use caution when sourcing cattle. They are advised to ensure that they know the health of the animals they are buying. They are also advised to be on the lookout for signs that resemble the disease and report them immediately to the nearest State Veterinary office.

Issued by
Communication Services Directorate
Enquiries: Ms Emelda Setlhako
Tel: 018 389 5684/ Cell: 060 745 4020
Twitter: @nwpg _dar



Date: Thursday, 05 May 2022

Brits – MEC Desbo Mohono held her last session of the stakeholder engagement with farmers in Bojanala District on Friday, 28 April 2022. The meeting outlined possible methods that will assist farmers to reach commercial status with various funding institutions (government, private sector and NGOs) and programmes such as ILIMA, the Comprehensive Agricultural Support Programme (CASP) as well as the prioritization of youth and female farmers which has taken main focus for MEC Mohono to develop and improve the agricultural economic system, the value chain as well as to tackle unemployment, food insecurity and to improve the overall output of produce in the province. Speaking at the meeting, MEC Mohono encouraged farmers in particular the young ones to take advantage of opportunities presented by government to grow their craft. “I am encouraging youth and female farmers to take heed of the opportunities presented to them by government.

They should not underestimate their potential with the belief that agriculture is a male dominated industry and therefore their contributions will not make a difference. The department is committed to providing quality services and support to emerging farmers specifically in this demography as they are able to incorporate and share experiences with each other to grow the industry as businesswomen,” said MEC Mohono. Louisa Mogotsi, a citrus farmer from Mooinooi who has received assistance from department and currently exporting her produce to various countries expressed her gratitude towards MEC Mohono’s inclination to concentrate funding towards women to enable themdiversify and collaborate with other female farmers massify their produce as well as invest in skills development.

Amongst others, attendees received presentations on different topics such as supporting effective capacity development in the North West Province, refocusing agriculture in the North West Province with special focus on livestock farmingas well as a presentation on many advantages in aquaponics farming; poultry, citrus, red and white meat; horticulture as well as on grain production. Discussions that transpired during the engagements with farmers in all four districts yielded a way forward for the department to address the challenges raised and have also restored confidence and trust in government’s efforts and the vision that black farmers have to become not only commercial but mega farmers that are able to contribute immensely to the triple challenges of poverty, inequality and unemployment.

Issued by:
Communication Services Directorate
Enquiries: Ms Emelda Setlhako
Tel: 018 389 5684/ Cell: 060 745 4020
Twitter: @nwpg_dard


Media Houses
Date: Thursday, 14 April 2022

Mahikeng –Following Foot and Mouth Disease (FMD) outbreak in Potchefstroom at Dr Kenneth Kaunda District recently, the North West Department of Agriculture and Rural Development (NWDARD) has so far inspected 65 farms and this operation is set to continue during the Easter weekend. On all these farms a total of 1463 cattle, 100 sheep, and 19380 pigs were inspected. This week alone, two of the farms were issued with Precautionary Quarantine Notices.
The Veterinary Service of the Department equally continues to enforce a tight biosecurity process. Dr Langa Madyibi, Director: Veterinary Service of the NWDARD said “Strict attention is paid to biosecurity when moving from farm to farm as Technicians are required to disinfect when moving around the farms.” This is to curb any possible spread of the disease to other farms.

Madyibi said that inspection and blood sampling of farms in the neighboring 10-kilometer radius (from the farm where the first outbreak was determined) is continuing to determine if there are any farms that may be latently infected. The process will continue until all the farms in that radius have been sampled. “Afterwards a period of 2 incubation period is going to be allowed to pass before another round of sampling takes place. That will help to determine the clinical endpoint of the disease and begin our Day 0 counting for determination of lifting of quarantines,” Madyibi further clarified.

The MEC for NWDARD, Desbo Mohono is still calling for calm among the livestock farmers in the province. “The Department has assembled a dedicated team to ensure that all precautionary measures are undertaken to prevent the further spread of the disease. We urge farmers to be on the lookout for clinical signs that resemble the disease and report them immediately to the nearest State Veterinary office,” MEC Mohono reiterated.
All farmers, livestock owners, members of the industry are again, urged to use caution when sourcing cattle, ensure that you know the health of the animals you are investing in and where possible, seek a health attestation from the seller’s veterinarian confirming the health status of the animals you are buying.
Should any suspicious clinical symptoms (salivation, blisters in the mouth, limping, or hoof lesions) be seen, they should be reported to the local State Veterinarian immediately and such animals must not be moved under any circumstances.

Issued by:

Communication Services Directorate
Enquiries: Ms Emelda Setlhako
Tel: 018 389 5684018 389 5684/ / Cell: Cell: 0060 745 402060 745 4020
Twitter: @nwpg _dard


All Journalists
Media Houses
Date: Tuesday, 12 April 2022

Mahikeng-In a quest to speed up the agricultural services to the communities of North West and revitalise  operations within the Department, MEC Desbo Mohono of Agriculture and Rural Development has been  meeting with the workforce of the department in the four districts of the province.The aim of the drive was to find better ways of providing services, to encourage a new revitalized approach to  agriculture and to inculcate a culture of excellent service delivery and professionalism when working with
service recipients. The staff that the MEC has been meeting include specialists from the department to the general administration staff from various units of the department.Speaking in a meeting held in Vryburg town in the Dr Ruth Segomotsi Mompati District on Thursday 07 April  2022, MEC Desbo Mohono reminded officials in this district that they are all important and that the people are  relying on them for services.

Addressing the extension services and veterinary staff, MEC Mohono said Extension officers must always  remember that they are at the forefront of service delivery and are the face of the sector to clients and the  general public. ‘You are the coalface platform for the department’s interaction, liaison and support to farmers and  communities. We therefore expect you to work closely with farmers and communities,” Mohono emphasized. To the veterinary services staff of the Department, MEC Mohono had this to say, “I appreciate the work that  you are doing, however I wish to remind you that your primary responsibility is not only to ensure that we are  safe from the disease, but to also educate our farming communities about the importance of animal health  which does not only contribute to improved health of the animals but also to improved food security of the  province. “Be our ambassadors on the ground.

You are the most critical component of agriculture. Farmers and  communities will only gain comfort if you continue to support them,” MEC Desbo Mohono expressed. In her stopovers in various districts, MEC Mohono was emphasizing that she wants to see action and results  from every unit. “We are a team and therefore we need to work as one. This silo mentality that I am seeing, will not take us  anywhere.  The people that we are serving want nothing but services. If we have differences, let us put them  aside and put the needs of people we are serving before everything,” MEC Mohono said. The staff in general welcomed MEC Mohono’s gesture of taking time out of her busy schedule to meet with  them. One of them is Mahlaku Malebati, an Animal Health Technician based in Ganyesa. He expressed his appreciation for the meeting between the MEC and the staff. “I am going back to my  workstation re-energized and inspired. Thanks to MEC Desbo Mohono for affording us this platform to discuss  important issues that sometimes hinder our performances. I am hopeful that whatever that has been  discussed here will be implemented,” Mahlaku said.  MEC Mohono has emphasized that her engagements with departmental officials is not going to be a once off  arrangement but will be continued.  She said she will meet with them again after six months to monitor  implementation of departmental plans and progress thereof.

Issued by:
Communication Services Directorate
Enquiries: Ms Emelda Setlhako
Tel: 018 389 5684/ Cell: 060 745 4020
Twitter: @nwpg _dar


Media Houses
Date: Monday, 04 April 2022

Mahikeng – The North West Department of Agriculture and Rural Development has placed five farms on quarantine and forward traced farms on precautionary quarantine following Foot and Mouth Disease (FMD) in Potchefstroom at Dr Kenneth Kaunda District recently. Since the identification and confirmation of this outbreak in the area, a Joint Operations Centre (JOC) has been set up including amongst others a team of Veterinarians from the NWDARD, provincial disaster management office, farmer’s unions and the National Department of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development.
The working team consisting of members from the Veterinary Services is currently in and around the area and all other farms which connects the original property to undertake inspections and collect samples where significant clinical signs are presented. The team is conducting inspections and
surveillance through blood sampling in order to determine the extent of the spread. The auction in Potchefstroom received 12 cattle from one of the infected farms and there was forward tracing from the auction to all farms of destination. About 217 cattle, sheep and goats that were sold at the Potchefstroom auction have all been traced to Gauteng (Vanderbijlpark, Westonaria, Kempton Park) Free State and North West (Ventersdorp and Potchefstroom) and the farms have
been visited. Gauteng and Free State Veterinary Services have been informed. The names of the buyers are known to Veterinary Services unit of the North West province.

The department would like to call on animal farmers not to panic. The Veterinary Services team is hard at work to ensure that all precautionary measures are undertaken to prevent the further spread of the disease. The Department also urges farmers against vaccinating animals for Foot and Mouth Disease, as vaccines without authorization can result in vaccinated animals testing positive and being classified as infected resulting in further measures being imposed on the farm.
In the North West Province, vaccination of cattle and pigs against FMD is not permitted and is therefore illegal. The sale of such vaccines is also illegal. Vaccines that are used for this purpose need to be registered and authorized by the National Director Animal Health for such purpose and as such, they are only in the hands of government officials. FMD is a highly contagious viral disease that affects all cloven hoofed animals of domestic and wild
origin. It presents with sores in the mouth and in between the digits causing them to be depressed, reluctant to eat and be lame. The disease does not affect humans and meat from such animals is safe to eat when it has been treated in prescribed manner. Farmers are advised to be on the lookout for clinical signs that resemble the disease and report them
immediately to the nearest State Veterinary office.


Friday, 25 March 2022
Att: Editors
All Journalists
All media houses

The National Department of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development together with the North West Department of Agriculture and Rural Development welcomed the veterinary graduates at the Potchefstroom College of Agriculture (PCA) for the twelve (12) months Compulsory Community Service (CSS) intake programme. The nine (9) newly qualified vets have been placed across the North West province to render their services to rural communities, as well as to gain valuable experience and knowledge through the mentorship of seasoned vets from the department.

CCS is a national programme that aims to capacitate graduate vets with practical clinical experience on prevention of disease, rendering ambulatory services and providing education on
livestock production. Veterinary Services Director, Dr Langa Madyibi said these new appointees are coming at an interesting time when the province has its first outbreak of Foot and Mouth Disease which will give them exposure to disease control and management. “The programme will be offering a wide range of experience and challenges that will demand them to meet community demands even after hours and think strategically. They will also need to embrace working in villages and execute quality services with limited resources as they have to uphold the public service mandate at all times”

Anien Bezidenhout (26) from Lichtenburg in the North West said she is looking forward to working in rural communities. “I want to learn more and build my confidence because when you are studying it is different than experiencing the clinical cases and seeing firsthand how treatment will unfold. Every consultation is different and there is so much that one is exposed to that we also learn from the people we render services to” Narissa Naicker (27) from Springs, Gauteng who has been placed in Mothutlong State Vet
encourages young black females to study veterinary as it is a regarded as a predominately white industry. “There is ample opportunity to make a difference in our communities because we have
been afforded the privilege that our parents previously didn’t have as black people in South Africa. Young girls who have a passion for the sector should pursue a career in this field because
there is an enormous impact that they can make in the primary health care of animals and the industry at large”

Ms Morongwa Senyatsi, a CSS Coordinator from the Department of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development conducted an extensive induction which included with a code of conduct which the vets have to maintain as public servants for the duration of their programme.

Issued by the Communication Services Directorate
Enquiries: Ms Emelda Setlhako
Tel: 018 389 5684 / 5719
Cell: 060 745 4020
Twitter: @nwpg _dard